Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 520

She put down the cup, light said: "Mom, I heard that the plum blossom in the yard? I'll see. "

In Jian Zhiyan's idea, she and her husband's family are all one family.

Since it is a family, it should be and beautiful, there is no so-called intrigue, more not now, we are hypocritical acting.

Now, she looks at it and feels tired.

"Well, what time is it? What plum blossom do you still think about? I'm already about to be a mother. I'm just like a child. I don't take things lightly or seriously. "

Jianzhi Yan a meal, small mouth slightly open, is thinking about whether or not at this time said he had miscarriage, Jane master looked over, said: "Xiaoyan how to say age is still young, our elders talk, their young people, naturally is not interesting, want to see, go."

Jane master this time mouth, even if don't let her say of meaning, how can Jane Zhi Yan don't understand?

Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head, got up and went out.

Shen Shenzhi's eyes, basically, have never left Jianzhi Yan's body.

Yuan Yibing looks at Jian Zhiyan's figure and smiles, as if

What comes to mind.

Jane's mother can also see that Jane Zhiyan is in a bad mood. If you look at Shen Shenzhi again, your mouth opens, but you still can't say what you want to say.

She has never been very close to Shen Shenzhi.

Shen Shenzhi put down his glass and got up, "I'll go out and have a look."

"Oh, go, go."

For Shen Shenzhi to do so, Jane's mother is very satisfied, smile.

However, after Shen Shenzhi got up, it seemed that he wanted to go out, but he didn't go out with Jian Zhiyan. Instead, he went upstairs and went into Jian Zhiyan's room.

Jane's mother frowned. She didn't know what Shen Shenzhi meant.

After a while, Shen Shenzhi came downstairs with a gray coat on his elbow.

Then he asked the housekeeper, "do you have a bigger umbrella?"

"Yes, just a moment, please."

Jane's mother looked at the outside and found that it had begun to snow.

Jane's mother felt very satisfied and laughed.

Shen Shenzhi, holding the black umbrella handed to him by the housekeeper, finds Jian Zhiyan in the garden where the flowers are blooming brightly.

Jane Zhi Yan may be really love flowers, silent Dun live on the ground, refers to the abdomen gently rubbing some unknown delicate petals.

Shen Shenzhi stood behind her with an umbrella, and she didn't find it for the first time.

Until Shen Shenzhi squatted down and covered her shoulder with his coat, she was stunned.

She raised her eyes and looked at the man holding the umbrella for her. She quickly withdrew her eyes and stood up.

She squatted herself tired, stumbled down and sat on Shen Shenzhi's shoes.

Shen Shenzhi stretched out his hand and pulled her up. His big hand gently patted the tiny snowflakes scattered on her shoulder: "I know it's snowing, but I don't take an umbrella?"

Jian Zhi Yan doesn't hum.

She had just stepped out of the door when she realized that it was snowing.

Shen Shen, holding an umbrella in one hand, suddenly took out a pair of gloves from the pocket of his overcoat, squeezed her little hand and put them on her. "No gloves, no cold?"

Jian Zhi Yan does not answer, want to take the gloves in his hand, but Shen Shenzhi grabs her hand, firmly grasp.

She twisted her eyebrows. Shen Shenzhi didn't find that she was in a bad mood. He just put on gloves for her.

The gloves Shen Shenzhi put on her were old styles a few years ago. I don't know where he found them.

She thought that he would let her go after he put on her gloves. How did she know that he held her little hand, laughed, put it on his own nose and gently rubbed it, "is it warmer?"

Jian Zhi Yan's face is puzzled: "how do you talk so much recently?"

At the beginning, Shen Shenzhi couldn't respond to her for most of her time.

"Since Zhizhi doesn't like to talk, I say it's OK."

Jian Zhiyan

Daren Qing, he means that he talks so little because she talks too much?

Jian Zhi Yan ignored him. The plum blossoms in this yard are really brilliant, bright red and very beautiful in winter.

Jianzhi Yan squatted down, gently touched the snow, melted into water drops, "you don't chat with them?"


Shen Shenzhi is still standing, but the umbrella in his hand inclines to Jian Zhiyan, so that even if she squats, she won't stick to the snow.

Shen Shenzhi looked at the sea of bright red flowers, and then looked at Jian Zhiyan. Instead of appreciating the plum, he squatted on the ground and touched the stems and leaves of the rose that had not yet reached the flowering stage. He paused: "does Zhizhi like the rose?"


These roses, basically, are planted by her.

Shen Shen's eyes swept in the garden again, and his voice was very light: "I thought that Angelica would like Angelica dahurica."“ White paper Shen Shen's Dun next, "a kind of medicinal material, Zhi Zhi... Don't know?" Jian Zhiyan has no interest in "Oh". She didn't have much impression. However, after listening to Shen Shenzhi's words, she also understood that the angelica dahurica in his mouth and the white paper in her mouth were not the same thing. She misunderstood him. However, she was not interested in talking to Shen Shenzhi, so she didn't continue to think about it“ Have you ever seen Angelica dahurica? "“ No Shen Shen's drooping eyes, light said: "Zhi Zhi has seen." Jian Zhi Yan wring eyebrow, don't know his this affirmation mature tone, exactly is what meaning. However, in fact, she didn't know much about plants. She probably didn't know what it was even if she had seen it“ Zhizhi doesn't believe that next time, I'll take you to have a look? "“ Oh, I'm not interested. " Shen Shenzhi was silent. Jian Zhiyan after seeing the rose, touched the thorn on the rose stem, "do you think these thorns are very beautiful?" Shen Shenzhi is silent“ In fact, rose, if not for these ferocious sharp complex thorns, I think this flower is very general. " Jane Zhi Yan also regardless of whether he listen or not, continue to say: "because of these thorns, will be more obvious outstanding petal beauty."“ Does Zhizhi like colorful flowers“ No, "he said Like roses and peonies, she doesn't like them“ If Zhizhi likes roses, then we will plant roses in the yard in the future? " Jane Zhi Yan dun dun, no mouth. in the future? Later... "Xiaoyan, Shenzhi, come back for dinner." Jane Zhi Yan is so thinking, the gate there, Jane mother opened her voice, called them. Shen Shenzhi pulled Jian Zhiyan up from the ground, "Zhizhi, OK, let's go back to dinner."