Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 524

"Oh, are you... Busy?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm not in a hurry. I just want to sit here."

Jian Zhi Yan lowered her head and laughed.

She used to come to this cafe with Lu Yanting at night.

But, after breaking up with him, I seldom came.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Two cakes, please."

Lu Yanting laughed. "Before, you always loved eating ice in winter. Every time you came, you would order it. As soon as you sat down, you yelled to eat it."

Jianzhi Yan smile: "I now, still can't eat."

"That's right. You're just pregnant. You really can't eat these foods."

Jian Zhiyan: I have a miscarriage.

Lu Yanting was stunned and asked anxiously, "what's the matter? How could it be -- "

Jian Zhi Yan shook her head, "it's been a while."

Lu Yanting was silent, his hands and fists clenched.

Pondering for a moment, "are you coming here alone?"

"No, it's late."

Lu Yanting was about to say something when his mobile phone rang.

Maybe it was a call from someone at home. He picked it up and said, "I know. I'll go back now."

After he hung up, he said to Jian Zhiyan, "I'll first --"

Before he finished, he saw a man and a woman coming down the stairs

He Leng next, saw eye Jian Zhi Yan.

Jianzhi Yan along his line of sight to see the past, saw Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai two people intimate, talking and laughing downstairs.

She just looked over, Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai also saw them.

Shen Shenzhi's face, direct, sank down.

Suxibai smiles awkwardly. It seems that in order not to let Jianzhi Yan think more, she stops and distance from Shen Shenzhi.

Jianzhi Yan see here, straight pick high brow.

She didn't take the initiative to open the distance. It's OK. When she did this, she just wanted to make it clear. Indirectly, she told her that there was something fishy between them?


Shen Shenzhi has just left their old house, and he's hooked up with suxibai?

Tut, how fast!

Shen Shen's expressionless face came over and pulled Jian Zhi Yan from her position. Jian Zhi Yan frowned, "what are you doing?"

"Let's go home."

Jian Zhi Yan frowned and didn't want to pay attention to Shen Shenzhi: "if you want to go back, go back first, and I'll sit for a while."

Shen Shenzhi's eyebrows tightened tightly, and the strength of holding her wrist suddenly increased, pulling her up from the chair.

Jian Zhiyan felt that her wrist was pinched by him and hurt. She tightened her eyebrows and said, "what are you doing? You hurt me. Let me go

Shen Shenzhi was silent, but Lu Yanting really saw that he was holding Jian Zhiyan's wrist with great strength. He was distressed and could not help pushing Shen Shenzhi. "She said she was very painful, didn't you hear that?"

"Mr. Lu is too concerned about our husband and wife."

And Shen Shenzhi is really from Lu Yanting's eyes to see his love for Jian Zhiyan.

His face became colder and colder. Without saying a word, he picked up Jian Zhi Yan and strode away.

Jian Zhi Yan didn't know what Shen Shen Zhi was mad about. She pushed him, "I don't want to go back. What are you doing?"

"Sibyl, go back by yourself."

Susie Bai laughed, "OK."

With that, she took a look at Jian Zhi Yan with a smile. Then, she seemed to think of something. Suddenly, she turned back and looked at Lu Yanting.

Lu Yanting also noticed her sight and narrowed her eyes.

Susie turned her white eyes and laughed. Then he nodded politely to Lu Yanting and left.

Shen Shenzhi to hold Jianzhi Yan straight away, Jianzhi Yan can't struggle, also no longer struggle, just coldly asked: "I'm not out to eat a snack?"

"Far away, driving for an hour from the old house, come here for supper?"

Jianzhi Yan want to eat what, there are servants at home, how can you need a person to come out here for supper?

"I like it, can't I?"

Shen Shen stopped and said, "why don't you call me when you come out for supper?"

Jianzhi Yan coldly said: "I must call you? Can't I have a little personal space of my own? "

"What private space does Zhizhi want?"

You can have private space. Why can't I? Jian Zhi Yan looks at Su Xibai.

Shen Shen's pause, "Zhi Zhi, if you don't want me to have private space, I can't have it."

Jian Zhiyan

"Even if you don't want to have it, I do."

Shen Shenzhi hugged her a little harder.

Jian Zhi Yan is about to open her mouth, Shen Shenzhi sighs, "Zhi Zhi wants to have a snack, right?"

Jian Zhiyan: "well, I'll accompany Zhizhi." Jian Zhiyan: "Zhizhi has not been out at night for a long time, has she?" Jian Zhi Yan: Shen Shenzhi holds Jian Zhi Yan and sits down in a place. "What do you want to eat?" Jian Zhiyan: with him, she has no appetite“ Zhizhi -- "what else did Shen Shenzhi want to say? A call reminder came from Jian Zhiyan's mobile phone. Jian Zhi Yan picked up, "have you arrived?" Guo Mo laughs and says with embarrassment: "Xiao Yan, it's snowing harder and harder now. It's so cold outside. I won't go. Let's make an appointment next time?" Jian Zhiyan: "forget it. If you know, next time." After hanging up, Lu Yanting brought her cakes and put them in front of her Jian Zhiyan nods. Lu Yanting looks at Shen Shenzhi and leaves without expression. Jian Zhi Yan bowed her head and ate the silent supper without looking at Shen Shen“ Zhizhi, I hope this is the last time, eh? " Jian Zhiyan: "Zhizhi, my stomach is very small. Do you understand?" Jane Zhi Yan Dun next, not language“ Zhizhi, my control is not as good as you think, so, Zhizhi, there is no next time, eh Jian Zhiyan is too lazy to explain to him that it's just a chance encounter for her and Lu Yanting to meet here. There is no appetite, eat a few pieces, can not eat down, put down the fork, get up, leave. Shen Shenzhi didn't move. He covered his face with his big hand and watched Jianzhi leave. His thin lip was trembling. Until Jianzhi Yan really left, he just got up, quickly out, hold up the umbrella, to Jianzhi Yan snow. In Jianzhi Yan ready to get on the bus, he suddenly held Jianzhi Yan, Jun face buried in her shoulder, gently rubbed against her ear. Jian Zhi Yan twisted her eyebrows, "it's cold here. What are you doing?" Shen Shenzhi is silent. Suddenly, when Jianzhi Yan is caught off guard, he raises his eyes and kisses Jianzhi Yan's lips“ Well -- "Jian Zhi Yan sank her little face and pushed him," you -- "Shen Shenzhi didn't know what he thought of. He swept away his anger and laughed and deepened the kiss. When she was about to suffocate, she let go of Jian Zhi Yan," I'll pick you up at your company for dinner tomorrow noon, and we'll go back to the era together. " Jian Zhiyan: "I can eat myself. I don't need you to pick me up. I don't want to go back to the Qing Tu era." Shen Shenzhi didn't answer, just laughed: "it's cold outside. Get on the bus and go back to have a rest early." Jian Zhi Yan doesn't know what he is thinking, but he suddenly turns from angry to clear up. He thinks it's not a good thing. Update finished today~