Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 574

He yawned and said with a smile, "there's an operation here that I need to perform. Come here for a few days. By the way... Come and see you. See if you're doing well."

"Now I see it. Can I go?"

"Tut, it's so cold. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. We don't give me a blessing for the new year. Now we see each other and drive me away immediately. Few people can bear your temper. "

Shen Shenzhi looked down at the document in silence.

"Before I came here, I thought you had a happy life..." he looked at Shen Shenzhi's pale beauty and touched his chin with a smile: "but now it seems that you haven't had a good time recently."

Shen Shenzhi finally asked: "where do you live?"

"Hotel, why... Do you want to invite me to stay with you?"

"I stay in a hotel, too."

"You stay in a hotel, too?" Duan Zizhen said, "what are you doing in a hotel when you have nothing to do? Don't you also have property here? "

Is it true that he was awarded the property to Jian Zhiyan after the divorce?

Shen Shenzhi has never been used to explaining too much to others. When he finished what he wanted to say, he naturally stopped talking.

Seeing that Shen Shenzhi's lips had not been bloody for such a long time, he twisted his eyebrows and said, "don't you have stomach trouble again? Why are you so pale? "

Before Shen Shenzhi spoke, he felt that something was wrong. "What's the matter with you?"

How does it feel like he's exhausted and hasn't slept for a long time?

Shen Shenzhi asked: "when do you have an operation?"

"Tomorrow morning." He asked, "what was your year at Manchester City?"

"The capital."

"Capital? Why celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing? Is Sibyl here in the capital, too

Shen Shenzhi is silent.

Duan Zizhen thought he had acquiesced, so he asked, "when did you divorce Zhizhi?"

Shen Shenzhi suddenly raised his head from the document and glared at him coldly: "who told you we were divorced?"

"You're not divorced? If you're not divorced, why does Zhizhi -- "

Shen Shenzhi suddenly stood up from his chair: "what's wrong with her? Did you see her? Where is she? "

"On the fifth day of the new year, in Xi'an."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw Shen Shenzhi take the coat on the bracket, call someone and turn away. Duan Zhen was confused, but he knew what happened in an instant.

He quickly stopped Shen Shenzhi: "I'm talking about the fifth day of the year. Today it's the eighth day of the year. Zhizhi see me, if she has the heart not to let you see, so many days, she probably left Xi'an early

His eyes were as cold as a blade: "why didn't you tell me then?"

Duan Zizhen felt innocent: "I thought you were divorced."

"Who told you we were divorced?"

"Aren't you... With Sibyl?"

"Who told you that?"

"I thought."

"Why do you think so?"

Duan Zizhen couldn't speak for a moment, but looked at Shen Shenzhi. Shen Shenzhi's eyes are sharp: "why?"

Duan Zizhen coughed lightly, and his face was unnatural: "I accidentally met you in bed."

Shen Shen's eyes were awe inspiring and said coldly, "why didn't I know I had sex with her?"

Duan Zizhen was stunned, "don't you? What I saw that day -- "

"What do you see?"

Duan Zizhen frowned: "is it su Xibai and Yin Changyuan?"

Shen Shenzhi said in a cold voice, "it's not me anyway."

"No. Although Yin Changyuan and you look like each other sometimes, I can't confuse you with Yin Changyuan. " Duan Zizhen really thinks that the person who had sex with suxibai that day was Shen Shenzhi.

He paused and looked at Shen Shenzhi: "Shenzhi, if you still think I'm a friend, can you tell me the truth?"

Shen Shenzhi glared at him coldly.

In the face of his eyes, Duan Zizhen naturally understood what it meant, but he still didn't believe it and asked, "have you ever slept with Xibai?"

Shen Shenzhi automatically ignored his question: "you think I had sex with her, so you think I divorced Zhizhi?"

"This is half the reason..."

Shen Shen's eyes darkened a little, as if he had guessed something, "what about the other half?"

"Lu Yanting is also in Xi'an."

He thought that Jian Zhiyan and Lu Yanting were both in Xi'an, so he thought that both of them were traveling to Xi'an.

Two unrelated men and women go on a trip together during the Spring Festival. At the beginning, he thought he saw Shen Shenzhi sleeping with susibai. Then he thought they were divorced. Now they are all well.

In fact, if he didn't think so, if Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai had been cheating Jian Zhiyan from the beginning, he wouldn't have come to Shen Shenzhi so soon.

Shen Shenzhi pursed his thin lips and immediately went out, calling: "check the whereabouts of Lu Yanting in the last ten days." As soon as he hung up the phone, Duan Zizhen looked at him with his arms around his chest: "listen to you, Zhizhi ran away with Lu Yanting --" before he finished, Shen Shenzhi crossed his eyes with a knife. Duan Zizhen said with a smile: "so, you haven't found Zhizhi for several days?" He said, ah, how could Shen Shenzhi suddenly look so pale? It turned out that his wife ran away with her old lover! Shen Shenzhi has not answered, there has been very quickly found the whereabouts of Lu Yanting“ Sir, on the morning of the second day of the lunar new year, Lu Yanting and his family went to Xi'an to visit Lu Yanting's grandmother. " Shen Shenzhi clenched his mobile phone and said, "where is he now?"“ Still in Xi'an. It is said that his grandmother is in poor health. I'm afraid that's what happened these days. He asked for a few days' leave and will stay in Xi'an for a few more days. "“ What about Madam? Has Madame found it? "“ The lady is still looking for it“ Hurry up. "“ Yes When Shen Shenzhi just hung up, Duan Zizhen saw that his face was getting paler and paler, holding the pulse on his wrist to show him. It doesn't matter. As soon as he looked at him, his face changed and he sneered: "do you have a tendency of self abuse? Zhizhi just left you to go out for a few days, you can not think about food and tea, sleep at night to make his stomach like this Normally, if he didn't tell him about the existence of Lu Yanting, Shen Shenzhi probably didn't know that they were together. Then why did he rush to find Jian Zhiyan before? What if she went out traveling alone? Do you need to worry about food and tea? When she goes out alone, she won't get lost and can't come back. It doesn't seem that she really eloped with others. Isn't it typical of him to worry? I don't know what he's hurting himself. Shen Shenzhi drew back his hand and dialed a phone to go out: "we'll have a meeting in the conference room in 15 minutes." Yan Xu hastily answered: "yes."