Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 687

"What do you mean?"

Jianzhi Yan heart suddenly more than a foreboding.

Did he want to——

"I will stay in the capital for half a month. After that, you will come back to Germany with me. In the future, you will stay in Germany." He used the statement sentence, the tone is also ordinary, as if he said the arrangement, is after the end of jianzhiyan.

Jianzhi Yan angry: "Shen Shenzhi, what nerve do you have? Let me go!"


Behind, is Jane's mother's cry, she rushed out, if she doesn't start, can't touch Shen Shenzhi and Jian Zhiyan, Shen Shenzhi's bodyguard won't do anything to them.

Shen Shenzhi's cruel mother just said that she saw it in her eyes. She was very flustered: "Shen Zhi, what are you doing? If you have something to say, where are you going to take Xiaoyan? "

Shen Shenzhi stops, holds Jian Zhiyan's posture unchanged, turns his head and turns back to face the people of Jian's family.

Jane mother they and Jane Zhi Yan are relieved that there is room for things to turn around.

Shen Shenzhi's eyes were cold: "if you have anything else to say, just say it."

Jane's mother is very anxious. She thinks Shen Shenzhi is really taking Jane Zhiyan away this time. It's hard for her to see her daughter again.

"Shenzhi, since you are married to Xiaoyan, we are a family. If you have any enmity or dissatisfaction, just spread it out. Don't hurt the harmony and the feelings between you and Xiaoyan. The only way to solve it is to have business and quantity, right?"

"Business and quantity?" Shen Shenzhi's eyes narrowed, and seemed to think her words were ridiculous. "Maybe I needed them before, but now... I don't need them."

"Shenzhi, what do you mean?"

"If you have anything else to say to them, just say it." Shen Shenzhi lowers his head and says to Jian Zhiyan.

All of a sudden, maybe we won't have this chance.

Of course, he didn't say that.

Jian Zhi Yan sneered: "what do you want me to say?"

"It means no more?"

Jian Zhi Yan bit her lip, "you put me down!"

"Since you don't need it, forget it."

With that, Shen Shenzhi leaves with Jian Zhiyan in his arms again.

Master Jane was also angry: "Shenzhi, let's discuss something. Where are you going to take Xiaoyan?"

Shen Shenzhi didn't answer, but said: "in the future, if you want to meet, I'm afraid it's... I don't know what year, month and day, maybe it's... You won't meet again."

Jianzhi Yan and the family, face mutation, pale.

Jianzhi Yan began to struggle violently, "Shen Shenzhi, you let me go, what do you mean?"


Jian Zhenye's face was overcast and cold: "Shen Shenzhi, don't fool around!"

Shen Shenzhi turned a deaf ear and just said, "what I'm doing now is what we should do on the day of our marriage. You should know."

After that, he closed the door and said, "I let you go for ten years, and I gave you ten years, but that's what you... Did to me?"

When the voice falls, Shen Shenzhi has closed the door, and his indifferent sight falls on Jian Zhiyan.

"Shen Shenzhi, can you be nervous?"

"You can disallow me." He interrupted, "since you don't care about the fate of your Jane family, I won't be soft handed. But you should know that no matter what the fate of your Jane family is, you can't escape me. "

The implication is that whatever they do is in vain.

He and her marriage, there will be no variables.

But if she let him have dissatisfaction, then her father, her grandfather fate, she did not dare to guarantee.

If she doesn't care, she can do whatever she wants.

If she is obedient and doesn't mess around, it will be good for their Jane family.

Jian Zhiyan looks at the indifference of Shen Shenzhi, who has never been so indifferent, as if she was just a commodity to be slaughtered, and he was a superior buyer.

The position between them is obvious.

Her heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand. Her eyebrows were trembling and she didn't open her mouth.

She always thinks that she knows Shen Shenzhi well enough. She always thinks that the worst thing is that she is widowed. But at the end of the day, she will find that she doesn't know Shen Shenzhi well enough, and he always has the ability to make her worse.

"I have given you too much tolerance, and my tolerance has been very limited, and it will never be again."

He closed his eyes and rested on the back of his chair.

Jian Zhi's eyebrows and eyelashes were full of tears.

She looked at Shen Shenzhi's emotionless face and sneered: "it seems that I want your so-called tolerance and so-called good."

Shen Shenzhi's face didn't change. Jian Zhiyan said, "Shen Shenzhi, when we got married, you should have treated me like this. Why didn't you treat me like this? How do you know how I would choose today? " Shen Shenzhi's eyebrows moved“ Shen Shenzhi, I can tell you that if there is a choice, I would rather stand on the opposite side from the beginning! Well, I won't be so miserable these years. Maybe you and I won't be entangled for so many years at all. Maybe we have already divorced and gone our separate ways! "“ Is that right? " Shen Shenzhi didn't open his eyes, but said, "well, I should be glad. I'm glad I tied you up for so many years. " Jian Zhi Yan lips slightly tremble, retort: "in this case, you don't show me a pair of charity in front of me, you sacrificed a lot of face!" This time, Shen Shenzhi didn't refute, and he didn't know whether he agreed or what“ So, are you really going to control me, or even... Lock me up for the rest of my life, and I'll come and go at your disposal in the future? "“ Or do you think? "“ Shen Shenzhi - "Shen Shenzhi said coldly," I need to rest. "“ You're breaking the law! You have no right to do that. "“ You can sue me if you have a chance“ Shen Shenzhi, do you really think that no one can help you? " Shen Shenzhi suddenly handed her the mobile phone in his pocket: "you can ask your grandfather and your father to turn themselves in." Jian Zhi Yan Leng Leng, "what do you mean?" He said without expression: "they are not young, or this prison is a lifetime."“ I ask you, "what does that mean?"“ Maybe when they really turn themselves in, you will have no pressure, and you can resist me at will. Of course, the result of your resistance will not change Jian Zhi Yan shakes her hands and can't speak. If she can't do anything to change her ending, why should she drag them into the water? After a long time, the car drove into a Western-style luxury villa in the other suburb. Shen Shen got out of the car, stood outside the car, staring at her coldly and said, "don't you want to come out?" Jian Zhiyan is silent, peering at this extremely luxurious villa in front of her through the window. This is her first time here. Ten years. Ten years. What did she know about him all these years? Shen Shenzhi saw that she didn't know what she was looking at, and he didn't say anything, let alone take care of her. He turned and walked to the villa.