Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 831

"Wake up."

"Wake up by whom?"

"The phone."

"Who called you?"

"Duan Zizhen."

Jian Zhi Yan curled her lips, "next time he comes to our wedding, I'll give him a few more drinks."

"Well." Shen Shenzhi changed the topic and asked, "what are you doing now?"

"Pick up Ruirui at the kindergarten, why? You won't forget that Ruirui is at school after a few days' business trip, will you

"I almost forgot."

"You can sleep again. I'll go in and pick up Ruirui. I'll call you when you wake up."


Jian Zhiyan just went in to pick up Ruirui, he saw a bunch of children around him, men and women have, of course, girls will be more.

Jian Zhi Yan picks eyebrows and smiles.

I didn't expect her children to be so popular even though they talked less.


Ruirui ran over.

After waving goodbye to him and the teacher, Jian Zhiyan asked, "have you been getting along with the children better and better recently?"


"Do many little girls like our little Ruirui and want to be their boyfriends?"

"... well."

Speaking of this, Ruirui's face turned red and frowned.

"What? Some people like Xiao Ruirui, but Xiao Ruirui is not happy? "

Ruirui said in distress: "they always want to kiss me..."

Jian Zhi Yan was shocked and laughed.

Was her son eaten tofu when he was so young?

"Mom, it's hard to smile..." Ruirui frowned and reminded her in a low voice.

Jian Zhiyan quickly closed her smile, coughed and said, "well, it's really not funny. If Ruirui doesn't like it, mother will talk to the teacher tomorrow, eh?"


"But, little Ruirui, can you tell your mother if they've ever been successful? Where did you kiss little Rui


Ruirui blushed and looked at her angrily.

Jianzhi Yan busy independent smile, "good good good, mom don't tease you, then now we... We go out to eat, and then go shopping, by the way to our little sister to buy some gifts, OK?"

"Little sister? But didn't dad say it was my brother? "

Jian Zhi Yan frowned: "who told you about mother's baby brother?"

"Dad said it."

Jian Zhi Yan thought of Shen Shenzhi's wish to have two sons, so she snorted.

She thought Shen Shenzhi's idea would change after so many years. It seems that she didn't understand his obsession.

However, she really wants a daughter, a son and a daughter to be harmonious.

She laughs: "what he says is not accurate, what mother says is accurate."

Ruirui Dun, a pair of can't bear her sad, obediently "eh" a.

Jian Zhiyan grits her teeth, Xiao Ruirui, do you believe in your father or your mother?

"Because dad is right..."

"Even so, my little sister is in my mother's stomach. My little sister has already talked to my mother secretly. My mother must know more about this."

"Can my sister talk before she's born?" Ruirui believes it.

"Yes, my sister is in my mother's stomach. We have telepathy."

"Did the mother tell her before she was born that she was a boy?"

Jianzhi Yan Leng words, heart slightly sour, she rubbed the soft hair, "ruiruirui at that time is more naughty, how can I ask little ruiruirui refused to tell me, always let my mother guess."

Ruirui bowed his head and laughed. Jianzhi Yan quickly changed the topic, "Ruirui, what do you want to eat later?"

"Western food."

"OK, let's have western food."

As soon as Jian Zhiyan was ready to tell the driver which western restaurant she was going to eat, her mobile phone rang. It was the housekeeper's call. "Madam, madam Jane has come home. When will you and the young master come back?"

"My mother's home?" Jian Zhi Yan frowned suspiciously.

Every time her mother came, she would inform her in advance. Why did she come so suddenly this time?

"Jane's mother answered the phone at this time: I'll stew for you now. You and Ruirui will come back early. Don't think about going out to eat some messy things."


"Shenzhi is on a business trip now. I don't trust you to be alone. I'll live here in your house these days to take care of you. Being a mother, I want to love you. I'll be content with you."

Just now Shen Shenzhi called her and said that he was going on a business trip. He didn't trust her and asked her to come and watch her. She came immediately.

Jian Zhiyan

She just knew that her mother couldn't suddenly want to come to her side! She sighed powerlessly, put down her cell phone and said to Ruirui, "little ruiruirui, grandma is here. Let's eat next time, OK?"“ Good Jian Zhiyan went back to her home. As soon as she got off the car, her mobile phone rang again. She frowned. Why did she call so many people today? She took out her eyes and saw that it was a strange call from the capital. She frowned, thought about it or answered, "Hello, who's calling, please?"“ Xiaoyan, it's me, he Shiran. " Jian Zhi Yan steps a meal, "you look for me to have something?" She and he Shi ran have no intersection, she suddenly called her, Jian Zhi Yan will not naive think she is to chat with her“ It's nothing. I just want to tell you something. " Just now, she saw the news about Su's group. She knew that this time, suxibai had no hope of turning over. And there is one thing, she actually wanted to say with jianzhiyan long ago, but she has been hesitating“ What's the matter? "“ I don't know when I almost knocked you down in the garage. Do you remember? " Speaking of this, Jian Zhi Yan's eyes suddenly become cold: "so, what do you want to say?"“ That day... I did it on purpose. " Jian Zhi Yan sneered, "so? what do you want to say? Show me that you want to kill me, but I can't sue you? "“ No, I didn't run into you. It's not that you really dodged, but that I... Changed my mind. "“ So I should thank you for not killing me? "“ No, don't you wonder why I did it? " Jian Zhi Yan squints, silent down, the brain turns quickly, thinking about the purpose of her call. But now they have no intersection at all, and the things that can make them interested have disappeared. What else can she call her? He Shi ran added: "this morning, I saw you and Susie Bai at the door of your company."“ So? "“ So... I want to tell you, I want you to be careful of Susie Bai. That's what I meant when I drove into you. " The new year is coming. I wish you all a happy new year, a bright future and a good year of the rooster~