Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 837

She doesn't know anything about the recent events of the Soxhlet group, so she doesn't understand why Susie said that.

Suxibai sneered: "jianzhiyan don't pretend, you don't want to divert my attention, I give you an hour, if you don't come to my designated place, don't blame me for being impolite."

"How dare you, Susie! And if you really kill someone, it's your fault. It's none of my business. You -- "

"Oh? Is it? In other words, if these four people die instead of you and your son, you have no responsibility or guilt? "

"You --"

Jian Zhi Yan's eyes suddenly become scarlet, her legs are soft and she sits on the ground!


The housekeeper just finished talking with Shen Shenzhi and saw that Jian Zhiyan was shocked and sat down on the ground. She was scared, "madam, are you ok?"

Jianzhiyan did not answer, housekeeper said: "Mrs. said you don't talk to her, hang up immediately."

"Hang up now? Ha ha, Shen Shenzhi is really selfish Suxibai heard the housekeeper's words, cold voice sarcasm: "well, you want to hang up the phone, who is afraid of who, anyway, I only have a rotten life, do not care about anything, but once my matter is published in the newspaper, all the truth will be exposed by the media, then you and Shen Shenzhi do not want to be better!"

"What happened to Zhizhi?" Shen Shenzhi heard that there was an accident, and he sped up the pace of running to the elevator.

"Don't worry, sir. It's all right, madam."

"Take away your wife's mobile phone and don't listen to her!" Shen Shenzhi said aloud again!

Shen Shenzhi's face is not very good-looking now. People in the company are used to seeing that he is calm and calm when he encounters anything. When they see that his face suddenly changes, they are shocked to leave quickly in panic.

Housekeeper obedient, immediately grab jianzhiyan hand mobile phone, whispered: "madam, you listen to Mr. words, Mr. will deal with, you don't worry too much."

Jian Zhi Yan can't listen at all. She is shaking all over and her eyes are empty.

She has not only relatives, but also children now.

She couldn't imagine anyone around her suddenly leaving her.

Although Susie Bai did this, she had no direct responsibility. If anything happened, it was Susie Bai who did it herself, but

She still can't be so selfish.

She understood that the people susibai wanted to catch were her and Ruirui. If she couldn't catch Ruirui, she had to threaten her in the present way.

So it's not wrong for Susie to say that the four men were her and Ruirui's scapegoats.

If she and Larry show up, the four innocent people will be OK.

But Ruirui

Ruirui is her heart now——

Shen Shenzhi clenched his fist and said to the housekeeper, "you tell Zhizhi that suxibai won't really kill anyone before she appears. Let Zhizhi not accept her threat!"

Finish saying, say again: "you call Zhi Zhi, let Zhi Zhi listen to the phone."

The housekeeper immediately said, "madam, sir's phone, would you like to have a word with him?"

Jianzhi Yan didn't answer the phone, didn't move, housekeeper had to hold the phone in Jianzhi Yan's ear, Shen Shenzhi said on the phone: "Zhizhi, she's just scaring you, want you to pass, Zhizhi don't believe it, understand?"

When Shen Shenzhi says these words, the housekeeper takes the phone from Jian Zhiyan and cuts it off directly.

Jian Zhiyan bit her lips, shed tears, and didn't speak.

"Zhizhi?" Jian Zhiyan said nothing but a slight sob. Shen Shenzhi's throat tightened and said softly, "what are you thinking, Zhizhi? Tell me about it, will you

Jianzhiyan listen to his gentle voice to coax her, she wiped tears, tears into a smile: "well, I know, I have hung up."

Shen Shenzhi breathed a sigh of relief, "Zhizhi, she just wants to use your psychology at the moment to force you to go, I have sent someone to deal with it, and have also called the police, from now on you don't care, don't listen, you know? I'm going home now. What can we do after we have a good discussion? "

Jianzhi Yan smile: "well, I know, I wait for you to come back."

Then she said, "by the way, Ruirui, shall we send someone to pick Ruirui up?"

"I've sent for him. Don't worry."


"I'll call Susie now. I'll negotiate with her. I know what she wants. If I give her what she wants, it will be OK, eh?"


Shen Shenzhi said, want to hang up, can think about the next, he is not at ease, voice hoarse, with a voice of supplication said: "Zhi Zhi, promise me not to run around, wait for me to come back, don't cheat me, OK?"

Jian Zhi Yan heard it, tears like pearls from the corner of her eyes down: "I just did not have promised it? I'm pregnant now. How can I run around? "

"Yes, Zhizhi should remember that she is pregnant and can't run around, eh?"“ Well, well, I see. Shen Shenzhi, you are really getting more and more wordy. " Shen Shenzhi smiles, "you hand the mobile phone to the housekeeper."“ Well Jian Zhiyan handed the mobile phone to the housekeeper. As soon as the housekeeper took the phone, he said, "Sir, it's me..." "confiscate your wife's mobile phone. Don't let her touch it." Shen Shen's direct command of not wasting one second“ Yes Housekeeper immediately took off jianzhiyan's mobile phone. Jian Zhi Yan looked at, eyes a flash, also did not do anything“ Look at your wife, too. Don't let her walk out of the house. "“ Yes Shen Shenzhi finished, then hung up the phone, and immediately he also called susibai. Seeing Shen Shenzhi's call, Su Xibai was not surprised at all. She answered with a smile: "Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out that it was Shen Dong. Shen Dong even called Su Xibai. It's really strange. You said... How long have you not called me?"“ I can help you with Su's group. You can release people immediately. "“ Hehe, if I didn't recognize your voice, I thought I had heard it wrong. It turns out that you Shen Shen Zhi will also care about the safety of others. It seems that I don't know you enough. "“ Do you agree? "“ What if I have conditions? "“ What are the conditions? "“ I want you to divorce Jian Zhiyan, marry me, and then... I'll put all your property under my name, will you? " This, said Susie Bai without hesitation, was obviously like a long time. Shen Shenzhi pursed his thin lips: "what you want is not all my property? If I have nothing, are you sure you want to marry me? "“ Ha ha, I really did not think wrong ah, in your eyes, or you and jianzhiyan marriage is the most important ah