Little Expert Bending Plot Lines Back

Chapter 61: 5.20

Luxury palace

Miao Anjun stared at the gorgeous lines on the door in a daze. After a while, he sighed quietly. He has maintained this position for an afternoon.

Orlando was not by his side because he was preparing for the wedding.

Since he agreed to get married, he has been inexplicably irritable. Whenever I think of the word wedding, I feel nervous and entangled. In short, I am very anxious. Miao Anjun didn't know what he was anxious about.

Orlando has chased him through so many worlds, and he obviously has no memory, but he can find him smoothly every time. It should be said between them that there is nothing to make him anxious, but he just feels uneasy.

Miao Anjun thought that he probably had premarital phobia for unknown reasons.

No matter how tangled in his heart, Miao Anyun has no time to think about it. The wedding day will soon come. Orlando set the date for the next day, which he knew early in the morning.

It's not that Miao Anjun never thought about discussing with Orlando, but when he thought that Orlando had already passed on the wedding, Miao Anjun dismissed the idea. Orlando can’t tell his people that he has premarital depression, so the wedding should be postponed? Miao Anjun thought he was thin-skinned and could not afford to lose this person.

The most important thing is to get in touch with what happened when he refused the marriage contract. The consequence of the refusal might be that he could not get out of bed. Thinking of the dark days before, Miao Anyun refused in his heart.

After thinking about it, Miao Anjun felt that he could only bite the bullet. It's just a wedding, they are all married, and they are afraid of the wedding. He is doing heart-building for himself in his heart.

"Clarence." A familiar voice. Miao Anjun shook his hand and almost didn't throw out what was in his hand.

Looking in the direction of the voice, it really was the culprit that caused him to be so entangled now.

"Hurry up and get dressed. It's about to start." Orlando held a golden dress in his hand, which was gorgeous and looked familiar.

"!" Isn't this the piece of clothing he pressed under the box? Miao Anjun stared at the dress.

Although the style has become a little better, but the familiar dark patterns, familiar fabrics, and familiar colors Miao Anjun dare to bet about fifty cents, this is definitely his clothes. Don't think he won't recognize it after changing the style!

Knowing what he was thinking, Orlando held back a smile, but his face was very serious, "I'm waiting for you outside."

Miao Anjun looked at this dress for a long time, and finally put it on as if he was dead. As for the anxiety and fear, he left them all behind.


Dragon Valley

Today's Dragon Valley is like a pot of boiling water, a bit more noisy than usual. Today is the wedding day of their dragon king. When many dragons heard this news, they still felt a bit untrue. Although there have been rumors that His Majesty Bridges likes a human being, the rumors are only rumors after all, and the credibility is not yet known.

When they heard Lord Yolanda announce this, their first reaction was that the rumor was actually true? Then, it became-Your Majesty is finally getting married!

No wonder they are so excited, it is true that their majesty has been single for many years. As the golden bachelor of the dragon family, the fifth king of diamonds, the beauties of all races admire this majesty very much, but for so many years, not to mention the ambiguous female creatures around Bridges, not even the male creatures.

The dragons feel that their majesty is good everywhere, but the character is a little too cold. Why can't I find a partner?

Now this doubt was finally solved, it turned out to be the one who was waiting for his destiny. The dragon girls think this is simply too romantic.

So what kind of talent can make the vision as high as Bridges's majesty be overwhelmed?

Out of curiosity about the new queen, the dragons can be said to be looking forward to this wedding.

Of course, there were also many acquaintances present.

"Jamie, Effie! You are late!" Wendy waved at Jamie and Effie. "But the wedding hasn't started yet."

The two men came hand in hand, and since they accidentally ate the bottle of spiced spirit cider that time, Effie played a card against Jamie. Although Jamie was a bit awkward, he did not refuse, tacitly accepting the relationship between the two. After that, the two of them became more and more sticky, and Wendy, who had had enough dog food, had no fluctuations in her heart.

"Has the wedding not started yet?" Jamie asked curiously as he sat down and rejoiced. Anyway, it was also the wedding of his first love, Jamie didn't want to miss it.

"No, but it's probably coming soon." Wendy, who was waiting a little depressed, replied. She just ran to have a friendly exchange with her daughter-in-law, she is warm! It's a pity that I was quarantined by a hot **** without saying a few words.

"Here." Effie, who had been silent, suddenly said, and he cast his gaze on the high platform.

Two figures in the same dress appeared on the high platform, one tall and one short. With silver hair and golden eyes, the handsome and innocent man is naturally his majesty. And beside him, a young man with blond hair and golden eyes stood quietly, not being suppressed by your majesty's aura at all, on the contrary, it made people feel unspeakable coordination.

The young man has a beautiful appearance, and a very gorgeous dress makes him more dazzling than the sun above, which can almost dazzle people's eyes. For the dragon race, there is a fatal attraction, even more moving than the halo emitted by the most beautiful jewelry. It's a pity that the young man's face has the same expressionless expression as his Majesty.

Although gender is a bit unexpected, gender is not a problem! This is indeed quite in line with the Dragon Clan's mate selection criteria, a light source body that makes the dragon fascinated by seeing it.

"This is the little beauty that Bridges hides from me," Morton murmured while raising his head and looking at Miao Anjun. "Yoranda, I seem to like this queen?"

"Master Morton, please don't joke with me." Yolanda looked at the grinning Morton with a serious face. If she believed the nonsense of this childlike adult, it would be a ghost.

"Don't be so serious, little Yolanda" Morton hung up on Yolanda'quietly'.

"Also, please don't hang on me." Yolanda said with a black line, "You are heavy."

"Puff! This one really is" Wendy snorted, and she poked Jamie. "I heard that Clarence wore this when he came to participate in the Dragon Knight selection?"

"Ah, yeah." Jamie nodded, and then asked with a dull face, "Isn't it pretty? I think it's pretty."

"Jamie is okay, it's really good-looking." Wendy changed her mouth under the coercion of someone, tearing secretly in her heart. Effie, you're a soul who loves **** and loves friends!

Miao Anjun's face standing next to Orlando was about to froze, and there was a dense crowd of people below, and he wanted to dig a hole into it at this moment. He was really uncomfortable with this dress.

Hey, the blue dragon over there, don't laugh! I'm going to put on shoes for you again!

"I, Dragon King Orlando Bridges, hereby announce that I will become a partner with Clarence Camilla," Orlando announced solemnly, holding his lover's hand. To the effect, this is my wife, you all take care of it!

Bertha looked at this scene, feeling a little sad. That little soft brother has grown up too.

The married brother threw out the water. With such a sadness of marrying her younger brother, Bertha stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and leaned in the arms of her lover.

Burris hugged his lover, stretched out his hand and patted comfortingly. Seeing Miao Anjun on the high platform looking over here, he nodded lightly at him.

"Pulman" Lana wiped her tears and gently called the middle-aged man beside her. But I didn't get a response for a long time. When she looked back, she couldn't laugh or cry, and found that the tough knight's eyes were a little wet.

"I really didn't expect you to have such a side!" Lana put away her sadness, her tone was slightly teasing.

The knight raised his head, ignoring Lana's teasing. He just looked at the apprentice standing on the high platform silently.

For Miao Anjun, the wedding was as long as a century. Fortunately, he managed to get through to the wedding.

Familiar palace, this day has more inexplicable taste.

Miao Anjun was placed on the big bed, and Orlando seemed to be unpacking the most carefully prepared gift, and his careful movements were very gentle. Slender fingers wandered across the skin, causing bursts of tingling. The lips and the tongue are intertwined, extremely intertwined.

Miao Anjun only felt that it was a kind of torture, his cheeks flushed, and his body was weak. I really want to kick the man who grinds on his body, but it's a pity that he is powerless.

"Yes, hurry up," he gritted his teeth. I just want the man to be happy.

"Don't worry." The man laughed lowly.

Orlando took Miao Anjun for the whole night and also talked about love all night.

Orlando looked at the slightly tired face of his sleeping lover, his heart soft and incredible. Reaching out to tuck the quilt for the lover, Orlando kissed his lover's forehead with full of love.

Kissing the forehead represents pity and affection, and it is also a promise.

He whispered softly in the ear of his lover, "Clarence, wait for me to come back."

Miao Anjun never woke up because he was too tired. He just seemed to hear a familiar voice saying something to him in a daze.