Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 1242

Luo Qingtong looks at Hu Zhongtian.

The map of the holy King's tomb is in her hands.

But since the other party is yanniang's father, Chu Lingfeng's grandfather, she will give him a fair deal!

If the other party agrees, then everyone is happy!

If not... Luo Qingtong naturally has a way to get that one!

But next, she won't talk so well!

Even Chu Lingfeng and yanniang kneel down and beg, she will not fight for each other again.

"Cough... I know my illness, so I don't have to worry about it." Hu Zhongtian didn't put Luo Qingtong's words in his heart.

How powerful is the medical skill of such a young man?

He had seen the disease all over the wild city, and even the pharmacists in other places were useless.

So we don't have to bother each other.

He said with a bitter smile, "if you want that thing, take it!"

"Originally, it was the same person who gave it to yanniang."

"Thank you for taking care of yanniang and her son."

Hu Zhongtian's words are very clear.

He doesn't need Luo Qingtong to treat his illness, and he doesn't need anything else. He just needs Luo Qingtong to take good care of yanniang and her son.

What's more, the other party took in yanniang before.

That one thing is a gift.

Hu Zhongtian said, struggling to support the body, is going to take that thing to Luo Qingtong.

His body, as he knew, would not last long.

Instead of waiting for him to die, let the two elders go, and take advantage of the Bai family, why not give it to the young man?

Hu Zhongtian's words make Luo Qingtong's brow pick.

She also did not refute Hu Zhongtian's words.

If it can be cured, the other party will know later.

Luo Qing Tong's complexion is light, "OK, that's settled, things wait until you are good, then give it to me!"

Although Luo Qingtong usually needs to collect deposit first, she is not in a hurry because the other party is so sick now.

Anyway, she is not afraid that Hu Zhongtian will go back.

Her life is in her hands.

Since she can save Hu Zhongtian, she can also let him die quietly.

But with yanniang and Chu Lingfeng, they may not do such a thing.

Luo Qingtong gets up and goes out.

"You should arrange a side courtyard for me here. It should be quiet enough and no one can disturb me."

"In addition, your illness is a bit tricky. It's actually that you were seriously injured before. Your ribs were broken and broken in your chest and lungs."

"As a result, someone gave you a drug that strongly stimulated the growth of flesh and bones, so that your flesh and bones all grew together! It seems to be healing, but it's actually a disaster. "

"The broken bones in your body have now grown to fill your chest and lungs. It's not so easy to get rid of it. You should take good care of yourself first, or I'm afraid you'll hang up if I move my hand. "

Luo Qingtong said, raised his hand to throw a liquid prescription to Chu Lingfeng, "according to this prescription to give your grandfather dispensing, soaking three times a day, until the time, I will naturally give him treatment!"

"Ah Chu Lingfeng took it.

Hu Zhongtian wanted to say something more. He was surprised and pleased when he heard Luo Qingtong's words.

The other party was able to tell the injury he had suffered. Could it be that he was really saved this time?

Hu Zhongtian doesn't know how he got sick!

If it's really what Luo Qingtong said, he must check to see who changed his liquid medicine when he was injured!

Hu Zhongtian is surprised in the heart, but Luo Qingtong has already left his room.


As soon as Luo Qingtong comes out of the room, he sees Yu Sihuang confronting a group of people.

And that group of people