Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 1243

"Why are you here?"

Luo Qingtong looks at the people who appear in front of him.

"Evil doctor!"

Beiqing and others are confronting with yusihuang. Looking at luoqingtong coming out, they immediately come to this side.

Yusihuang followed them with an unhappy face, and his heart was speechless.

These people are not coming at the right time.

He finally seized the opportunity to get along with Luo Qingtong, and these people came out.

I don't know where that guy is!

If he knew that he was in luoqingtong, he would certainly come here!

At that time, the chance to get along well with Luo Qingtong will be in vain!

The imperial division Huang is thinking so, the North Qing and others have already walked to the front of the Luo clear pupil.

"Cough... Evil doctor, we are ordered by the master to send you a gift."

North Qing a face of tangle, said to raise a hand to take out oneself etc. to bring of a thing.

Looking at the thing they took out, Luo Qingtong found that they had brought a small bamboo basket.

The little basket was covered with a small black cloth.

Luo Qingtong watched them lift the black cloth on the basket, and then looked at the things in the basket.

"This... Was sent to me by yeqianmu?"

Luo Qingtong looked at the little guy who was lying in the basket and curled up like a sleeping one.

Light silver soft fluffy, red nose, those two small ears fluttering, small body surrounded by a circle.

It looks like a round little meatball.

I don't know how cute it is!

Luo Qingtong looked at the little guy lying in the bamboo basket and was a little stunned.

"Is this a little fox?"

Night Qianyu even sent such a lovely fox to himself?

Luo Qingtong is saying, then see that a small fox seems to sleep uneasy general, fiercely turned over a body, and then with that pair of small claws pulled his ears.

This time, the little guy woke up.

Then, Luo Qingtong looks at it squatting there with a smile, and looks at his two little paws with a look of disgust

Luo Qingtong doesn't know how to describe that

It's like it's not looking at its two little paws, but its own enemies.

In fact, the same is true!

Night thousand, this will not say the heart of depression.

He looked at the two little pink claws in front of him, which had no killing power and would only make people sprout blood. Then he thought of his stupid action that could not control the animal instinct before, and he immediately had the heart to chop these two claws.

The night thousand mu how also didn't think of, the day demon fox fury, oneself finally didn't completely avoid it before the death of that attack, the consequence that cause, unexpectedly so serious!

That's the curse of the demon fox that burned up all the strength of the demon fox!

The night to a thousand to become now this pair of small milk fox appearance.

Not only as a human when the strength of all are not used out, but also have all the habits of little fox!

Night thousand think of oneself just that a burst of pluck to pull the action of ear a burst of shame!

He didn't want to admit that he did it at all!

In the night thousand in the heart of a burst of depression, luoqingtong looking at it this pair of squatting on the ground appearance and action on a burst of funny.

She raised her hand and poked it in the ear.

After the fox turned his head and yelled at her, which seemed angry but actually cute, he immediately laughed.