A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1776

Warm eyes a turn, stare in the past, angry choking way: "can you not follow me?"

He took what she wanted ahead of time, so she hasn't had a bite of cake yet.

"The boss asked me to take you back. I can't go away!"

In the south, the suits and shoes are not as charming as they are in the business world. They are more elegant and handsome.

His breath of clearness was extremely attractive.

"I haven't come back yet. Go and help my brother with the guests!"

Heating said, she went to find someone else, this guy is also with her, also not afraid of shame.

"I can't drink. Your brother can handle it!"

The south side sends over again, soft voice coaxes her, "good! Today's cake is delicious

Warm depressed, "you have not eaten, you know delicious!"

Just now her mother said that when brother Leng proposed to her sister-in-law and cut the cake, he was not there.

She knew he was waiting for her at the door.

Moved at the same time, but do not want to talk to him.

"It's delicious when you look at it. Xiao Chengcheng says that if it's delicious, it's delicious!"

Nanbian is very warm and moist when he smiles. It's not as peaceful as usual when he looks at the patient. He has a touch of doting.

"Eat for yourself!"

Wennuan turns around and walks away. She doesn't know where she wants to go.

Suddenly, a person walked by, almost hit a piece, the South quickly grabbed her, only then no one could hit.

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry!"

Both sides apologized to each other. Then they were stunned. They immediately laughed and nodded politely, "Nan Shao! Why don't you drink? "

"I've caught a cold. I'm not good at drinking. Did I have a good time today?"

"That's a pity. It's cold tonight, but I'll take out his treasure."

"Ha ha, let you have a good mouth. When I'm ready, I'll ask him for a drink."

"Ha ha..."

I met an acquaintance in the south. I chatted with him a little more. As a result, I turned around and disappeared.

"You go on, I'll go and find wennuan!"

"Nan Shao, when can we have your wedding wine?"

"Say it again!" South left a, regardless of others smiling teasing eyes, quickly ran to find warm.

"Auntie Nuan, here, here!"

Leng Yicheng dodges everyone's sight and runs to find Nuan Nuan. Nuan Nuan is also looking for him. When he hears his cry, his eyes light up.

"I'm looking for you!"

"Are you uncle Shunnan?" The little guy is smart.

"How do you know?" Warm warm a Zheng, surprised looking at the little guy.

"I see it!" Leng Yicheng compared his eyes, and then took Nuan Nuan to hide out of the garden quietly, "aunt Nuan Nuan, you haven't eaten yet, you come with me, I'll give you delicious food!"

"Xiao Chengcheng, let's come out, what if we ask you?"

Ji wennuan is worried that everyone will not find Leng Yicheng and will be worried.

"Ann, I told grandfather a, he's right there."

Along the little guy's fingers, wennuan sees uncle Jia guarding at the entrance of the entrance. On the one hand, he can pay attention to the situation at the party at any time, and on the other hand, he can pay attention to the little guy's whereabouts.

"And bodyguards, I can't lose them!"

Leng Yicheng takes her to the corner of the garden, where there is a lot of food. Under the moonlight and neon lights, the atmosphere is very good.

"Wow, how can you carry so much food out?"

Wennuan was surprised. She sat down cross legged and ate one. "Delicious!"

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