A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1777

Summer solstice mouth smoke smoke, low scold: "hooligan!"

Ha ha

In cold weather, Feng Mou smiles at her red face and raises her hand to wash away the powder on her face.

"You seduce me and call me a hooligan. I'll be fine if I don't tell you!"

Summer solstice speechless stare at him, water eyes Ying Ying Ying, like Jiao with anger, hook of the cold day almost no justice to her.

"Every time you talk about me, go away!"

She reaches out her hand to push him, the touch of Qiu Shi comes from her palm, and her heart palpitates.

"Well, I don't want to talk about you, hug!"

He pulled her, held her in his arms, and leaned against the bath. He was very lazy and comfortable.

The hand was rubbing on her arm.

Summer solstice lean on him, hear him a little disordered breath, heart palpitation.

"Happy birthday, husband!"

She looked up and gave him a quick kiss on the chin.

The cold day Mou light a dark, Li wears her embarrassed appearance, the heart bottom is full.

This woman is always shy.

He raised her delicate chin, looked deeply into the bottom of her eyes, and said in a low voice, "only in this way can we have sincerity!"

Then he kisses her bright red mouth.

At the summer solstice, the cheeks are red.

Curl of steam, diffuse between them, beautiful water color.

I didn't kiss her for long in the cold. I just stopped and waited for a while.

"Take a bath!"

He has a very dumb voice.

The summer solstice palpitation palpitation, bashful incomparable, low as gnats said: "here can also."

She was really afraid that he would bear to go wrong.

Cold day surprise of pick next eyebrow, "today can't!"

She looked at him in surprise.

Cold mysterious smile, "later you wear those clothes to show me!"

Looking through his fingers, he only saw a bunch of red clothes at the summer solstice, but he didn't see any style. He had an intuition about what pajamas were.


A flash of expectation flashed at the bottom of my eyes on a cold day.

Two people bubble for a while, he got up first, surrounded a bath towel and went out.

"I'll wait for you outside!"

Just at this meeting, his mobile phone rang. On a cold day, he opened the door and closed the door for her.

The summer solstice is full of emotion. I'm embarrassed to think that they have done something bad on it.

Dawdling, outside came the voice of a man talking on the phone, but what he said could not be heard clearly.

It feels like he's on the balcony.

"Wife, don't soak too long, come out quickly, be careful that your skin is wrinkled."

Someone raised his voice and called, and then the voice of the phone rang out.

Summer solstice feel a little wrinkled fingers, quickly get up, took a towel to dry the body.

He went to the clothes, picked them up and shook them open.


Instant, this is the bubble of ruddy face spread on a fiery red, red blood.

Summer solstice looking at the hand that gauze general feeling. Fun underwear, the whole person from the top to the bottom of the foot.

This man, even prepared this for her.

Beautiful roses are embroidered on the key parts of the gauze.


A little familiar.

She looked back and forth. The more she looked, the more familiar she was. This is not The clothes Xiaoyue gave her, which she stuffed into the corner drawer?

She also wanted to go back tonight and wear it for him, but he brought it here by himself.

It's been a long time since we had ulterior motives!

The corner of her mouth was hard to draw, low voice scolded a voice, "cunning!"


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and she jumped.

"Wife, not yet?"

The door reflected someone's tall figure. She swallowed her saliva and said in a dull voice, "it's fast!"

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