A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2088

South funny look at the enthusiasm of everyone.

"Go to him and eat it all!"

Although so said, South still took a chicken wing for Leng Yicheng.

"Thank you, uncle!" Leng Yicheng takes it over and chews it slowly to eat with Nanbian.

"Uncle Nan, you have to drink soup first, and then eat. Only in this way can you absorb nutrition well."

People around are laughing, staring at the lovely little guy.

"Professor Nan, you should often bring him to our hospital to play. How lovely!"

When I'm tired at work, I'm happy to tease cute kids.

"What do children take to the hospital?" The South glared at them.

They saw the red blood at the bottom of their eyes in the south, "Professor Nan, weren't you on duty last night? Why didn't you go back to rest today? "

"Nuan Nuan is ill. I'll come here!" South side road a, bow to eat.

Everyone is familiar with Nuan Nuan. She is a frequent visitor here, not because she is ill, but because she often comes to the south.

However, recently, I seldom see her come here.

"She's sick. What's wrong with her?" We all care about it.

"Fever!" South side road a, continue to eat, the speed is very fast.

"Uncle Nan, you eat slowly. If you eat so fast, you will have a burden on your stomach. Anyway, aunt wennuan is watched, so don't worry!"

Ha ha

The baby's milky voice and the serious expression on his fleshy face made everyone laugh.

"I eat so fast!"

The south side raised Mou to see a small fellow that obediently sits.

They are short of time and trained on the base before.

Leng Yicheng blinked and continued to nibble at his chicken wings.

Ji Yixi and Xiaoyue rode a motorcycle around the city block, attracting countless eyes.

Beauty, handsome, cool car.

Perfect match, envy many people.

Xiaoyue has a good ride.

Ji Yixi holds her, smells her hair fragrance, peach blossom eyes smile, and the wind blows by.

The tip of her hair brushed the tip of his nose.

Ji Yixi was in a state of mind.

How delicious!

"Hungry or not?"

He cried out.

"Not hungry yet!"

Xiaoyue yelled back and continued to ride with him.

Ji Yixi looks at the woman who can't stop, smiles and continues to accompany her.

Seeing the amazing eyes from the street, Ji Yixi's mouth keeps rising, and his heart is very happy.

Let you envy.

Xiaoyue rode for half an hour before stopping at a local restaurant.

"We eat here?"

With her feet on the ground, she asked the man behind her.

Ji Yixi glanced at the restaurant full of food, picked his eyebrows and hesitated.

"Otherwise, let's go back to the golden coast to eat!"

There are so many people. It will take a long time.

"We've had it in the past. People have eaten it. Let's eat it outside. I'll treat you!"

Summer solstice is not here, Xiaoyue is sorry to eat there.


Hearing that she wanted to invite him to eat, Ji Yixi agreed happily.

Xiaoyue rode slowly to the door of the store and found a convenient place to park.

Ji Yixi carried two safety helmets and took her in one hand.

Handsome men and beautiful women, especially Ji Yixi, appear in the media, and people who are eating can't help but look sideways.

"Is that Ji Shao's new love?"

"It's beautiful. I don't know which female star it is!"

"It's so tall, and it's a good figure!"


After hearing the gossip, Ji Yixi raised his eyebrows and looked at the curious melon eaters.

Announce it out loud.

"This is my real girlfriend, what new love old love, you don't talk, my girlfriend will misunderstand, I am such a woman!"

Xiaoyue smokes at the corner of her mouth.

Don't be ashamed!

That's all.

"Let's go!" She hit him in the waist.

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