A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2089

Ziqi still came to the hospital, just met Jinglian couple downstairs to see the warmth, there is no one else in the ward.

She sneaked in and saw that Jingdong was still sleeping in bed.

He took the vase on his bedside table and changed the flowers inside.

"Why haven't you woken up yet? Didn't the doctor say you were OK?"

She pulled the chair by the bed and sat down, looking at the man who was sleeping on the bed.

Ziqi stares at him for a while, but the man on the bed doesn't respond. He reaches out and pokes his face carefully.

"Lying here all the time, it's not like you at all!"

Jingdong still didn't respond.

Ziqi saw that he was still dribbling on the back of his hand. She couldn't help pressing her fingers. When she didn't notice, Jingdong's fingers moved.

"How long has the injection lasted?"

Ziqi strange, but also embarrassed to run to ask the south.

She sat there, looked at Jingdong, and got up to leave.

She doesn't dare stay too long. If she meets his parents, she will be embarrassed.

"I'm worried about you going back early."

As soon as she turned around, her hand was grabbed.

Ziqi surprised back, see the man is still lying there, eyes are not open, can't help but lost.

"You, you wake up?"

Ziqi's heart beats faster and asks in a low voice.

The wrist was a little tight by the man. She reached out and pulled down, but she couldn't let go of his hand.

It's getting tighter and tighter.

People still don't respond!

Ziqi mouth corner smoked to smoke, stare at the man that still faints on the bed, wake up after all, still have a nightmare?

Looking at the man with the same complexion, Ziqi tugs of war with him.

"Hey, you let go of my hand!"

Ziqi was really worried that everyone would come up. It would be embarrassing to meet him.

"If you don't let go, I'll bite you!"

She frightens the man on the bed and tugs at Jingdong's hand.


Sleep is so tight!

Jingdong strength is very big, just so a while to Ziqi's hand to grasp pain.

Ziqi fight for a while, panting standing beside the bed, drooping shoulders looking at the man on the bed.

I'm convinced.

"I would not have come to see you if I had known!"

Ziqi stares at the wrist that he is holding tightly, a headache.

But if the man in bed can react, she is still happy for him, but he is not

Jingdong frowned.

"Hey, let go of my hand. It's so painful. If your parents come up and see me, I can't say clearly!"

Ziqi pinches the man's hand, but dare not force.

She lowered her head and took the man's hand, but she didn't find that the man's eyelashes on the bed trembled and was about to wake up.

"What are you doing with me? I'm just here to see you. Don't you hold on to me? "

Jingdong's eyelids moved, and there was a sound in his ear all the time.

"You know how to catch people when you are asleep. I dare not come to see you next time. Let go!"

"Someone's coming!"

Hear the voice from outside, Ziqi heart almost jump to the throat.

She is anxious to pull the man's hand, just can't pull out his hand, speechless.

Hear footsteps close to the ward, Ziqi want to run away.

There was no place to hide. She stood there nervously, staring at the door.

Maybe it's a doctor or a nurse. Her footsteps are going to the other side. The breath she's carrying is about to relax.

Suddenly there was a sound.



Ziqi is startled.

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