A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3240

Summer solstice gives him a hand, husband and wife two with fu MA, they a few in the kitchen.

Make a hot meal in less than an hour.

Shen Lianqing, Mu Qing, and Shi's mother took a seat to eat in the cold.

"Where's your grandfather?"

Shen Lianqing just noticed that lengchao was not there.

He raised his head and asked his grandson.

"My grandfather is at my grandfather's side, and Leng Yicheng is there too. I didn't go home tonight!" I talked to my grandfather in the cold.

Shen Lianqing nodded.

Moqing looked at the summer solstice with a smile and joked: "Xiao Chengcheng is willing to be separated from you now?"

"If you don't want to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing

Summer solstice sat down, took a pair of chopsticks, from time to time to several elders folder vegetables.

MuQing looks at Shimu and smiles.

"How sweet!"

"Auntie, won't my uncle and cousin come?" Summer solstice looked at his mother and asked.

"They haven't made time yet. They will come with Jinglian two days later!"

Summer solstice nodded and moved the plate.

"These are fried in cold weather. Eat more!"

Shen Lianqing and Mu Qing, Shi mu, look at the cold weather and smile.

"It's rare to have your food today! I thought it was made as small as possible! " Shen Lianqing made fun of his grandson.

Cold day picked next brow, "she is too tired, I practice hand!"

"Dare you treat us as mice?" Mu Qing looks at his grandson with a smile.

"Don't you white mice have a good time?" A cold retort.

"Ha ha!"

Old man, old lady smile.

The more she looked at the cold weather, the happier she was. "My God, your cooking is really good. I should have come here a few days earlier. If I hadn't waited for your grandmother, I would have come here a few days earlier. I don't know how much food I missed!"

"My aunt wants to eat, and she will stay. Even after she is small, the store is full of delicious food. You can take care of it and eat it for free!"

On a cold day, I am calculating.

His mother gave him a squint and said with a smile, "do you want me to see the shop?"

"It depends on whether my aunt is happy or not." Ask back in cold weather.

When the mother laughed, "I'm happy naturally. Anyway, I have nothing to do in Haicheng!"

Summer solstice smile Lai a nearby man, turn a head to say with mother.

"Aunt, don't take it seriously. I'm almost the same as my grandfather in the shop.

many people here will come to help every once in a while. You'd better accompany my uncle!"

"Aren't you going to work? You'd better go to the company with Xiaotian, and the shop will show us the idle elders! "

When his mother saw the intention of the cold weather, she helped him.

"How can I do that? I'm the store manager, and I have to make desserts!" Summer solstice water eye circulation, shop not on the track, she is not at ease.

Cold day looked at her, said with a smile: "you are not a person busy ah!"

"Can't I start as a child?" Summer solstice water Mou smile Lai he one eye.

Shen Lianqing, smiling and squinting, thumbs up to the summer solstice, "grandfather supports you!"

He glared at the old man in the cold.

"What do you support? Capital or manpower? "

The old man was choked by him, the corner of his mouth twitched and glared at him.

"Can't I support psychologically and spiritually?"

The summer solstice laughingly said to the old man, "thank you, grandfather. I'll come on. When it's big, I'll look for grandfather to invest!"

"Or are we small enough to have eyes?"

Shen Lianqing replied with a smile.

Cold day light hiss, "looking for him is not looking for me?"? I take care of the company! "

"I can make private investment!" Shen Lianqing looked at him with a smile, full of provocation.

In cold weather, "..."

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