A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3241

Summer solstice into the kitchen, take out yogurt, pour into a bowl, and then take out strawberries, cut into pieces.

One by one.

Also take mint leaves in the middle, immediately embellished like desserts provided by high-end restaurants, "more and more artistic cells."

Walking in on a cold day, standing beside her, looking at the delicious desserts.

He didn't like it, but she made it to his taste.

Watching the man pick up one and eat it, the summer solstice smiles.

"I always have a sense of art, OK?"

On a cold day, the Phoenix's eyes flashed, smiling at her pretty face, and bent over her forehead to kiss her.

Summer solstice blushes, bumps him and looks out quickly.

Several elders are eating, but they don't pay attention to this side.

Cold day is smiling lightly, joking a way, "still afraid to see?"

“....” The summer solstice gave him a squint.

She dug a spoonful of yogurt in the cold and fed it to her mouth.

Summer solstice mouth to eat, sour sweet, very appetizing.

She began to laugh.

On a cold day, her eyes were burning and she looked happy. "How happy are you when you eat yogurt?"

Summer solstice silent, who eat what they like to eat unhappy?

"Do you eat when you're not happy?"

She said a funny thing.

"I'm happy!" he chuckled in the cold

He took three or two bites.

"Take it out!" When she saw him idle, she gave a direct order.

"What's the hurry? They haven't eaten yet."

In cold weather, I pick the sword eyebrow. It's evil and charming.

The well-defined fingers shuttle between her hair, one by one.

Under the summer solstice, remind the man, "I'm making food, don't make my hair!"

"You don't have dandruff. What are you afraid of?"

Hearing that he didn't care, the silent corner of his mouth twitched, "can't you lose your hair?"

Cold funny look at her puffy look, "you see, my hands clean."

Summer solstice, "..."

It's really speechless__ O“..

"I ask you, when you eat out, if you see people fiddling with their hair in the kitchen and continuing to prepare food, can you still eat it?"

In cold weather, "..."

He picked next eyebrow, light voice way, "is quite disgusting, but if you, it doesn't matter!"

At the end of summer solstice, she was ready for dessert. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed her hands and wiped the water off her apron.

She took off her apron and hung it aside before she went out to greet her elders.

Cold days with her side, she looked at the man, a little strange.

Shen Lianqing's eyes were also on them.

When the mother teased, "Xiaotian, what have you been doing with Xiaozhi? Are you afraid that she will run away?"

"I'm afraid she can't do it well, under supervision!"

In cold weather, he is not red and breathless.

Summer solstice tilted his eyes, looked at several elders with a smile, asked, "grandparents, aunts, food enough, not enough I fry two."

"Enough. Don't be busy. It's not good to eat too much at night." Shen Lianqing smiles.

Mu Qing and Shi Mu didn't ask her to stir fry again.

The summer solstice smiles and watches them have a meal. When they have finished eating, they clean up.

On a cold day, he told uncle B to call the servant to wash the dishes and let the summer solstice have a rest.

The summer solstice brings out the yoghurt and gives them a cup each.

Mu Qing and Shi Mu are very fond of each other.

"It's so beautiful. I'm at home now, and I like to learn from Xiaozhi. I'll have some yogurt and fruit after dinner."

When the mother happily eat up.

"Me, too. It's very good to relieve after dinner!" MuQing sees that Shen Lianqing hasn't eaten yet and steals a few strawberries.

You can't help laughing.

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