A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 393

As soon as Liu Zhi returned to the design department, he called a meeting.

There was a serious warning and criticism at the meeting.

People who chew their tongue hang their heads down and dare not look at others.

At a glance, it is the summer solstice with Lina, and Du Yuanyuan is sitting there.

Liu Zhi glared at his subordinates and knocked down the table. "I tell you, no matter who they are, they will be fired if they dare to spread these gossip and affect the atmosphere of the company."

"Who spread it, now stand up for me, or I will be fired when I catch it!"

Everyone looked at each other.

No one dares to speak.

Du Yuanyuan's heart trembled, and she subconsciously glanced at the summer solstice like nothing.

My heart is back.

Summer solstice also a face puzzled, this person does this matter the entire company all knows, is also quite formidable.

Can't it be Zhou Jiani? But she's been fired. She shouldn't come to the company.

She couldn't figure out who was having a hard time with her.

There are several suspects, but without evidence, she is not easy to guess others.

Or wait for the company to deal with it!

"Summer solstice, who did you tell about your personal affairs?" Liu Zhi named her directly.

"I," the summer solstice stupefied, got up and returned: "I told you that day in the office, my husband is not in the company, also did not say anything else!"

Liu Zhi glanced at her sharply, "what's the matter with these rumors? Do you doubt when it was discovered? "

The summer solstice looked at Liu Zhi, who didn't look good, and truthfully replied, "maybe it was yesterday noon. The baby came to the company to find me, and I answered a phone call in the office."

Liu Zhi answered her voice, motioned her to sit down, looked around, and yelled: "who is it, now stand up, don't waste time!"

Du yuan was startled.

Other people were scared, too.

In the conference room, no one dared to show his or her arrogance. They all looked around and guessed who did it.

No one admits that Liu Zhiqi is going to blow up.

Direct roll call, "Li Yao, you say, who do you listen to?"

"It's her

"I listen to him!"

"I listen to her!"

"I listen to people from other departments."

A burst of identification in the conference room pulled the last person out.

"Which department?"

Liu Zhi's face is black and charcoal, and at the same time, his heart is a little happy. The culprit should not be his department.


At present, Liu Zhi contacted the person in charge of the logistics department and asked the other party to bring the people from the Department.

Xia Yuan said, "will you go with Du Xiaosheng?"

"I don't know!" Summer solstice should be calm, neither hot nor cold.

"This is a real man, and he's spreading your private affairs all over the place." Du Yuanyuan is a bit unfair for her.

Summer solstice looked at her, and immediately took back his eyes and sat quietly on the seat.

She took a look at Liu Zhi, thinking, will he still annoy her, and even punish her?

Soon the logistics department came with dozens of people, and the meeting room was full of people.

Qin Fang, the person in charge of logistics, is not happy with the tone of Liu Zhi's order, but she also understands the urgency of the matter. She is accused of spreading gossip from their logistics department. She wants to find out who this person dare not be, but if not, she doesn't want people from other departments to bully their logistics department.

"Director Liu, I have brought all the people here. There are a lot of them. Who spread them? Your people can identify them well."

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