A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 394

"Zhang Guozhang, come and identify it." Liu Zhi didn't speak to Qin Fang politely. He yelled and accused the subordinates of the logistics department to come and identify the person.

As a result, everyone read it all over, but they didn't recognize it. Zhang Guozhang recognized "that person, that person said it was from the logistics department..." Zhang Guozhang is not strong enough. After all, the man he met is not in the logistics department.

"Oh, anyone who says it's from our department is from our department?" Qin Fang glared at Zhang Guozhang angrily, and immediately looked at Liu Zhi, "director Liu, people are not from our department. We still have things to do. We won't watch the play with you. Let's go!"

Qin Fang left with a strong sense of reason. Liu Zhi's face was very ugly, and he severely reprimanded Zhang Guozhang.

"Who told you that? Is it too easy for a man to gossip

"Director Liu, he really told me that he was from the logistics department. I didn't know him. I met him downstairs in the morning."

Zhang Guozhang was sweating. He was afraid that Liu Zhi would blame him for the crime and immediately run away.

Liu Zhi didn't look like a liar. After asking a few questions, he immediately let everyone go. He went directly to the monitoring department.

At last everyone was relieved.

Lina patted the back of summer solstice's hand and comforted her, "don't think too much, go back to work first!"


Summer solstice chuckled, got up and went back to the office.

After a while, she was called to the top floor by Liu Zhi.

In Fang Yi's office, Fang Yi and Liu Zhi let her identify the person who spread gossip.

"I don't know!" She watched it several times, but she had never seen such a person, let alone met him.

Fang looked at her and then at Liu Zhi, "this person is not an employee of our company."

Summer solstice one Zheng, is not the person of the company, that still spreads her gossip, exactly is to do what?

What's more, Baobao came to see her at noon yesterday. Why didn't the gossip spread yesterday afternoon but this morning?

Look at the surveillance. The stranger came in directly from the outside and talked to anyone.

Who on earth is teasing her?

"Director Liu, although the source is not in the design department, it's not good for these gossip to spread in the company after all. I hope you can straighten out the design department, stop this kind of thing and concentrate more on your work!"

Fang took a look at Liu Zhi and immediately told him to go down first to leave the summer solstice.

"Well!" Liu Zhi nodded slightly, went down quickly, reprimanded and warned his subordinates.

"Young lady, you really don't know this man?" Fang Yi asked again about the next summer solstice.

She shook her head. "I don't know. I haven't even seen it!"

"That's strange! Since I don't know you, why do you go to the company to spread these gossip Fang frowned, puzzled, not the company's employees, it is still a bit difficult to find out.

Maybe someone got angry and did it on purpose.

"Young lady, who have you offended recently?" He asked carefully.

Summer solstice looked at him, "quite a lot!"

Fang Yi smoked to smoke a corner of mouth, dare affection little madam still make trouble constitution?

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