A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4084

"Hee hee, Mommy, you are so talented. This is the mother carrying the baby!"

Leng Yicheng smiles and squints. The big snail doesn't walk much with the little snail on his back. Maybe it's because they disturb him and walk very slowly.

"Ah, what are you doing in the back? Don't run up yet!"

Ran to the front with the South cold day, looked back, saw their mother and son in the roadside to take photos.

Summer solstice quickly put away the mobile phone, Leng Yicheng tongue, two people stand up at the same time, look at each other, "Daddy curse!"

The summer solstice smiles, "let's go quickly!"

Leng Yicheng giggles and follows her.

On a cold day, when they ran up, they continued to run up with the south.

"Boss, Chengcheng's body is recovering well. I may go back to the hospital today!"

South said to him, cold day swept him.


"It's been hard for you these days. You're always with him." Cold day gratitude, he is not busy with work or take wedding photos, did not take care of Leng Yicheng.

"It's not hard work. It's good to live in your house. It's very pleasant!" Nanbian smiles happily, "Lao Wu envies me every day!"

"He's envious. He used to live less in my house. Now he wants to live with his family. After breakfast, I'll drive them away!"

Seeing the cold weather in the south, he looked disgusted and snickered.

Ten minutes later, when they reached the top of the mountain, they were breathless, but compared with the cold weather, they were sweating a lot in the south.

Lengtian leans on one side and sighs when he sees that Xiazhi and Leng Yicheng almost come up.

South drank a few mouthfuls of boiled water, looked at him, said with a smile: "they run well!"

"Too bad!" I'm so busy in cold weather that I neglect their daily exercise.

Summer solstice with his son came up, all feel panting, let alone running.

"Too tired!"

She put her hands on her body in cold weather and bent over to breathe. She glanced at her in cold weather. Her son put his hands on his waist and gasped all over.

"You usually do less exercise. You can't run down the mountain!"

"From tomorrow on, I'll take you to the mountains!"

Summer solstice

Leng Yicheng's face drooped. He came here to run in the morning every day, but he was tired. "Daddy, can't you run at home?"

He can still accept it at home.

"No!" The cold weather decided.

"I'm not tired to death running on the mountain every day!" She glared at the man, saw him serious, and shrunk her neck.

The south side snickered and turned to look at the scenery. A touch of gold appeared on the top of the mountain in the distance.

"It should be sunrise soon!"

In fact, it's sunrise, but it's heavy fog. With the mountain shelter, you will see it later here. When the fog clears, the sun will come out all of a sudden.

The three of them turned their heads and looked at each other. Leng Yicheng saw a flash of light and was very excited. "There's light, Mommy, look at it!"


Summer solstice hands on his son's small shoulder, looking over there, not a few minutes, the reflected clouds are particularly beautiful.

Standing behind her in the cold, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

Xia Zhi subconsciously takes out his mobile phone and shoots.

"I'll do it for you, you see!"

I took her cell phone in the cold and photographed the sunrise in the distance like her.

"Thank you, Mr. Leng!" The summer solstice turns around and thanks with a smile.

Cold day swept her an eye, murmur a, "also don't know you shoot so many do what, hereafter come here every day, you also want to shoot every day?"

Summer solstice smile, "I like how?"

He can't help her.

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