A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4085

Ji Yixi and Xiaoyue just go to the hillside. Xiaoyue sees the two snails and calls him excitedly.

"Husband, you see, the big snail carries the little snail!"

"Ah, it's quite strange!"

Ji Yixi's eyes brightened and photographed. He also sent it to his circle of friends, but he saw that the summer solstice also sent it and laughed.

"You see, my sister-in-law saw it, too."

Xiaoyue came to see his circle of friends, saw the summer solstice also photographed this pair of snails, and laughed.

"It seems that the snail is walking very slowly. Look, the flower is still there!"

She compared them, and it was obvious that the two photos were very similar, one was enlarged, and the other was a distant view.

Compared with the West quarter, pick under the tip of the eye, "really is!"

"Hello, little snail, big snail!"

Xiaoyue bends over to say hello to two snails. Ji Yixi sees that people are more beautiful than Huajiao. Her eyes flash. She raises her mobile phone and shouts Xiaoyue.

"Baby, look at it!"

Xiaoyue heard his call, subconsciously turned her head, Ji Yixi immediately photographed this beautiful moment.

She smiles.

Ji Yixi winked at her.

"Wife, you are so beautiful!"

"Let's go up quickly. They must have arrived a long time ago."

Xiaoyue smiles and continues to walk up the mountain.

Ji Yixi keeps up, puts the mobile phone, pulls her hand and holds her.

The husband and wife hold their fingers together, enjoying the roadside scenery while walking to the top of the mountain.

Finally, when they got to the top of the mountain, they missed the sunrise perfectly.

"Alas, we are lonely to see the sunrise when we are dug up by the boss so early in the morning."

Ji Yixi glanced at the cold weather with a smile.

Cold day ha ha a, "you can't see the sunrise, should blame your wife, blame me, we all see, you are still walking slowly behind."

Xiaoyue smiles.

"I'm the one who's holding him back. But he's lazy. He's slower than me

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Old five, you won't be pregnant too, do you want me to examine you?" The South teased him.

"Go away! Do you want a neurologist to show me pregnancy? "

Ji Yixi stares at the South and dislikes the road.

Nanbian smiles. "Don't you know I'm an all powerful doctor? Sister in law, body conditioning or medicine I prescribed

The summer solstice is embarrassed and smiles with Xiaoyue.

She took her mobile phone and showed Xiaoyue the video she had just taken on a cold day.

"I shot the sunrise, isn't it beautiful?"

"Mm-hmm.. The clouds are very beautiful. You see, it's a bit like five colored clouds. " Xiaoyue makes up for the scenery she just missed.

Although the sun is rising now, the scenery in the distance is still beautiful.

"It's really like five colored clouds!" Xia Zhi smiles and looks at it with her.

"Did you just see the snails on the hillside? We saw them too. It's fun!" Xiaoyue smiles and shares what she just saw.

"See my circle of friends?" Summer solstice looked.

"Sure, but it's from Ji Yixi's mobile phone. The angle of his photos is similar to that of you. If they are put together, others will definitely think it was taken by one person!"

"Really?" Xia Zhi wants to see it, but Xiaoyue looks at her hand and asks Ji Yixi to open her circle of friends.

"Sister-in-law, it's a coincidence with you that our photos are very similar! It's definitely twins

Ji Yixi opened his circle of friends to the summer solstice, and came to the south, "it's the same!"

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