A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4197

The corner of his mouth twitched, his face lost, "thanks to me for carrying your shoes today, you didn't even give me a glass of milk to drink!"

The summer solstice is so funny, "my husband gave you a red envelope!"

Time domain sobs, "your husband is so stingy, the red envelope is too few!"

They can't laugh or cry about the clock. Shen Lianqing joked: "you don't like Shao. Go to settle accounts with Xiaotian. What's the use of telling Xiaozhi?"

"That's right. You go over and ask now. Maybe there's more!" Lengchao laughed.

He looked at them and asked with a smile, "is it true or false?"

"Of course it is! Go When the mother encouraged.

Xia Zhi smiles and goes downstairs to wash the milk. Tiandi really goes to find lengtian. Lengtian hasn't bathed yet. He knocks on the door and comes out of the bathroom on lengtian. Seeing Tiandi, he picks his sword eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

"You gave too few red envelopes in the morning. They all said they would come to you and make up for it." Time domain said with a smile.

Cold day stares at him one eye, lightly hums a, "don't think I didn't notice how many red envelopes you took, old four and Fang Yi gave you a lot of it, you are good to want me!"

"But I carry shoes, you give less!"

Time domain cheeky, fingers touched, "today you big happy day, give a chant, otherwise I can't sleep!"

On a cold day, he turned into the bathroom and closed the door.

Time domain:

"The red envelope is at the bedside table. Take it yourself!"

Inside came someone's voice, surprised, ran over, opened the drawer, there are really a few big red packets, he took one, happily ran out, turned into the little guy's room, put the red packets under the pillow.

"Cheng Cheng, uncle, give you something to put under the pillow!"

"What is it?"

Leng Yicheng looks up at the outside.

"You'll see it when you come out. I'll go back to take a bath. Good night!"

"Good night, uncle!"

Leng Yicheng hastens to speed up. After taking a bath, she puts on her clothes and comes out. At the summer solstice, she flushes the milk and hands it to her son.

"Go to bed after drinking. I'll get your uncle a drink!"


Leng Yicheng is sitting on the bed, drinking milk from a bottle. Thinking of what time domain said, he takes away the pillow and sees the big red envelope under the pressure. Suddenly, his little face shows a big smile. He opens it while drinking milk. There is a lot of money in it.

"What a good uncle!"

He held the red envelope and squinted with a happy smile.

When summer solstice came into the guest room of time domain, she heard the sound of water flowing from the bathroom. She put the milk on the bedside table, went over and said to time domain, "cousin, I put the milk on the bedside table, you remember to drink it!"


She laughed, turned to go out, back to the room, see the cold day has not bathed, she turned to her son's room, see the little guy holding a red envelope in bed happy.

"Who gave you the red envelope?"

"Hee hee, it's uncle!" Leng Yicheng is very happy.

Summer solstice smile, touched the son's head, "sleep!"


Leng Yicheng finished the milk, then lay down and put the red envelope under the pillow.

Xia Zhi Xiaoxiao covers his son with a quilt and tells him a story. After a while, the little guy falls asleep.

Looking at her son's sound sleep, she leaned over to kiss him on the forehead. "Good night, baby!"

She put out the light, left a small light, then turned out of her son's room, gently closed the door, and went back to her bedroom.

See cold days in blowing hair, she laughed, "milk on that, you will remember to drink!"

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