A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4198

"You don't drink?" The cold day glanced at her.

"Didn't I just have a drink? I can't drink any more! " Summer solstice thought of just prank, cough sound, quickly took pajamas into the bath.

On a cold day, he laughed, dried his hair, drank milk, opened the drawer and said, "I just took one!"

"What took one?"

Summer solstice turned out to take the forgotten hairband and asked casually.

"Just now your cousin came to ask for the red envelope. I asked him to take it by himself. I thought he took it all by himself!"

Cold days smile, summer solstice a Zheng, want to understand, smile: "cousin gave the baby, the red envelope in the baby that!"

The cold weather raised eyebrows.

See her still standing there, urged, "go to the bath!"

"Oh Summer solstice turned and ran into the bathroom, cold days have put her bath water, she took off her clothes, comfortable bubble hot bath.

There are petals and essential oil in it. It's fragrant.

She took a fragrant hot bath, and then wiped the fragrance, ready to change into pajamas.

Just shake open pajamas, see the sexy style, her mouth twitch.

Who prepared this and how to wear it.

Summer solstice looked at the transparent clothes, blushed, put on hard scalp, and added a bathrobe outside, then went out.

"Come here, I'll blow your hair!"

Cold day half lying in bed, plug in a good blow, photographed the position around.

The summer solstice smiles, climbs to bed, lies on his leg, takes off her turban in the cold day, the long hair pours down suddenly, hangs in the bedside.

The cold days are blowing, and the summer solstice is comfortable.

Not for a while.

I'm tired all day today. Although I had a sleep in the evening, now she is sleepy again.

Maybe it's because of the wine.


On a cold day, I saw her close her eyes and wake her up.

Summer solstice opened his eyes, looking at the man's delicate facial features, lazily should say: "well, sleepy!"

The cold day swept her for a while, speeded up to blow her hair, helped her to get up, and stretched out her hand to open the belt of her bathrobe.

The summer solstice one hand presses, the face flushes.

On a cold day, her eyes were burning, staring at her pretty face, not smiling, "what's the matter?"


She was too embarrassed to be laughed at by him.

Cold weather pushed her down, body pressure up, "did not wear inside?"

"No!" The summer solstice blushes to the neck.

"I'll check..."

As soon as the words were finished, her bathrobe disappeared. She turned over and buried her face in the pillow.

Hearing someone's laughter, she looked back at him and said, "I didn't buy this!"

Just now she was in a hurry to take a bath and didn't notice.

"You look good in it!" The cold sky's eyes stuck to her, leaned over her, turned her face, kissed her on the forehead, and then on her eyebrows, all the way down.

Thin lips fell on her lips.

The cold day raises the hand to extinguish the light, deepened the kiss.

In the new house, there are red Luan and red Luan. The dragon and Phoenix candles on the bedside table are crackling and burning brightly.


The next day, the summer solstice sleep directly to more than nine before waking up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he stared at the man's deep eyes and said, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

In the cold, she lifted her chin and gave her a kiss. "My wife is so beautiful!"

"Boring!" She smiles and blushes.

The next second, she exclaimed, "ah, are we going to bring tea to Grandpa?"

She sat up quickly.

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