A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4230

Summer solstice seems to hear his son crying, suddenly wake up, listen carefully, it is really the son crying.

She got up, put on her slippers and rushed out of the bedroom. The crying she heard became louder. She ran downstairs.

Clock couple also heard, one after another out of the room, "is not sincere crying, what's the matter?"

"I don't know. I'll go and have a look now!" The summer solstice ran downstairs in panic.

I haven't seen my son cry like this. Who bullied him?

She ran outside, and the little guy cried.

Shen Lianqing and his wife swearing, "Stinky boy, don't answer the phone!"

"What's the matter? Baby She pulled her son and held him to wipe the tears from her little face.

Cold Yi Cheng embraces her neck, a draw a draw, not aggrieved.


Her son was crying. She didn't hear him clearly. She looked at Shen Lianqing and his wife, "what's wrong with him?"

"Xiaotian drives away by himself, and the children are not sent to school!" I can't be affectionate.

"That boy is really, how to leave Chengcheng? Chengcheng doesn't cry, too grandfather will send you!" Leng Chao is speechless to cold weather.

"Xiaotian left him and drove out by himself. Chengcheng just cried!" Shen Lianqing frowned and was very angry about the cold weather. "Don't answer the phone yet!"

Summer solstice listen to a few elders said, is understood, also very speechless.

She hugged the little guy and coaxed him for a while. "Darling, don't cry. Mommy will take you to school, OK?"

"Well!" Leng Yicheng sucked his nose, and his eyelashes were still wet with tears.

"Go into the house first. Come out in such thin clothes and get in quickly." Moqing reminds us to go in.

Xia Zhi took his son in his arms and wiped the tears on his face painfully. He shaved the little guy's nose and said, "when daddy comes back in the evening, Mommy will help you beat him!"

Leng Yicheng sniffs.

"What's the matter?"

The clock couple came down to see that everyone was OK. They were relieved. They thought what happened.

Summer solstice smile, "cold days do not send him to school, left him to go!"

Clock couple speechless, then funny, little guy cry really miserable.

"My uncle will see you off!" The clock fondled the little guy's head.

"Let's take him. You go up and have a rest!" Shen Lianqing said that he wanted to take the little guy from the summer solstice's arms, but the little guy refused, holding the summer solstice's neck.

Summer solstice laughed, looked at the next time, there is time, holding him upstairs, "Mommy sent you, I go up to wash!"

Everyone looked at it. It was very funny. The clock couple went upstairs to wash. Shen Lianqing and lengchao went back to the restaurant to have breakfast.

When the summer solstice returns to the bedroom, the little guy follows her and watches her wash her face and brush her teeth.

She did it in a few minutes, went to the bathroom, changed her clothes and took her son downstairs.

Little guy's mood calmed down a lot, but little mouth pursed, still very angry, and aggrieved.

"Baby! Why doesn't your daddy send you to school? "

Xia Zhi took his son's hand and went to the elevator. He asked softly.

The corner of Leng Yi Cheng's mouth closed a few minutes.

I looked up at her, and after a while, I whispered, "I'm angry with him. I said I didn't want to be his car, so he left!"

Summer solstice Leng next, want to laugh, but afraid of the little guy sad, quickly hold.

It's true in cold weather. If you say you're going, your son won't give it away.

"Mummy will scold him later!"

When she arrived downstairs, MuQing called her to have breakfast. Afraid that it was too late for the summer solstice, she went to get some food to eat on the way and took her son out directly.

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