A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4231

Summer solstice in the car to eat breakfast, "baby, are you full?"

"Mommy, I've had it!" Leng Yicheng sits quietly. She has just cried. She is not in a high mood. Now when I think about it, I feel a little embarrassed. Her little face is red.

Xia Zhi takes a look at his son and smiles.

She finished her breakfast three or two times, and then called lengtian. As soon as he got through, she gave him a crackle, "what's the matter with you today? I left my son and left. He cried! "

"How dare he cry? If he won't take my car, he'll take another one! " It's a cold day.

Summer solstice corner of the mouth twitches, this man does not know that the child sometimes can make uncomfortable?

"What did you do in the morning, or how could he be angry and refuse to take your car?"

"Not angry, I took you back to my room last night!"

Summer solstice a Zheng, right, last night she seems to be sleeping in the son's room.

"You're necrotic, you steal Mommy, you don't send me to school in the morning." Cold Yi Cheng hears, toward that side roared a.

Cold day cold hum a voice, "this kid long ability, you don't get used to him, again like this, I let him walk to school!"

Summer solstice

"You're not much better. My son is just like you. I won't tell you any more!"

She hangs up the phone and looks down at her son. Leng Yicheng is a little afraid to see her looking at herself for the first time.

Summer solstice touched his head and explained to his son in a soft voice, "baby, Mommy's bedroom is the same as daddy's. It's OK for daddy to take Mommy back to the bedroom to sleep. We can't be angry. Daddy is waiting for you in the morning, right?"

Leng Yi nodded sincerely. In fact, when daddy coaxed him, he would go up, but daddy left directly.

The summer solstice rubs the next son's hair, "then we don't get angry with him, OK, otherwise it's ourselves who are wronged, and we feel uncomfortable. You see, if you don't get on the bus, he will leave by himself. You should get on the bus and ask him to send you to school. Let him do more things, such as asking him to raise one more animal. "

Leng Yicheng's eyes brightened. Oh, how could he forget.

It's time to blackmail daddy.

I was so angry that I cried for nothing.

Leng Yicheng pours into her arms, "Mommy, it's hard to cry!"

Summer solstice snickered, touched the little guy's head, "it's OK. I've cried for a while, but it can be regarded as venting. If I feel uncomfortable, I'll show it. Don't hold it."

My son is becoming more and more childlike.

When I just met him, I was too sensible.

The whole villain is choking.

"Mommy, am I crying so ugly?" Leng Yicheng asked in her arms.

"How can we? Our baby looks so handsome and looks good when crying, but it's a little loud." She was woken up.

Leng Yicheng's face is red.

She hugged the little guy's face and leaned over to kiss him. "Our baby is the best."

Leng Yicheng was coaxed by her for a while, and he was in a good mood. However, when he got to school, he didn't want to get out of the car. He asked the bodyguard to put on a pair of sunglasses before he would get out of the car.

"In this way, other people can't see my red eyes and laugh at me!"

Summer solstice, holding him out of the car, send him to the door, teachers and parents see, are curious to look at the cool little guy.

"I've got pinholes, so I need to wear sunglasses!" Leng Yicheng said with a strained face.

Little man, the momentum is still good.

Everyone knew immediately that the teacher let him in.

Summer solstice wait for son to go in, smile to greet with the teacher next, just past mother's side.

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