A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 525

The summer solstice heart trembles, feels the warmth which on his body transmits, low voice asks a way.

"Do you think I'm shameless?"

"I think you must have a problem!"

Cold day gently touched her hair, distressed, with a trace of care, "you will hate that man?"

Although it has not been proved that the woman is 100% her, her childhood photos are so similar to his son, which makes him have to think that she is her.

Summer solstice heart warm current surging, nothing than the people they care about so trust their own warmth.

"I didn't know who he was. I hated myself. I didn't have the heart to defend others. I was framed by someone. I don't know whether that person was involved in it or not."

She whispered.

Cold eyes smooth over a sharp edge, big hand patted her back, "villain's heart can't be prevented, I'll help you find out, remember what clues?"

He put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her with burning eyes.

This stupid woman!

Summer solstice see he really want to help her, moved, blinked his eyes, "there are doubters, but I have no evidence, after so many years, should not find it!"

"Who is it?" His voice was a little cold.

"At the beginning, it was Zhu bi'er, the man who broke your hand, who cheated me to go to the party and said that Losch would go too. As a result, I drank a drink mixed with something, and I don't remember the rest. At that time, I still regarded her as a good friend..."


Cold day Mou Ren a tight, caught frost.

"Do you remember where it happened?"

He was a little nervous. The summer solstice didn't notice. She would remember that place all her life.

"1588 club!"

His heart clenched in the cold. He was there four years ago

He looked at her eyes, excited, "summer solstice, have you ever thought, in fact, your child is still alive?"

"How can it be!" Summer solstice wry smile, "I asked the doctor, said is stillbirth."

"You don't have to comfort me. I've put it down."

She looked at him gratefully. She was satisfied that he could not dislike her.

The cold weather did not confirm, also did not dare to give her hope, maybe these are just coincidence, also not necessarily, or the results come out first.

He touched her head, promised: "don't worry, who hurt you, one will not be less, I will help you teach back!"

She was moved and said with a smile, "thank you, husband!"

"You're welcome!" On a cold day, he leaned over her forehead and kissed her. If it was her, he would be responsible.

"Let's go to the company so that we won't be late later."

Summer solstice feeling he is a bit strange, but also can't say where strange, water eyes can't help but live in his face to turn a few circles.

"Well!" Driving away from the hospital on a cold day, I got a call from his grandmother on the way, saying that the little guy came back by plane.

His sword eyebrow picked next, Feng Mou a turn, saw a woman that brushes a mobile phone.

She seems to be in a bit of a loss. Is it because she thinks of her past unhappiness?

"Well, I see."

Hang up the phone, he reached out and rubbed her head, soft voice: "at noon to take you to the airport to meet someone!"

"Ah, who?" Xia Zhi looks at him curiously. Is he an important person?

"Keep it secret first!" In cold weather, I'll talk.

You don't have to guess how unexpected this woman should be.

"All right!" Summer solstice low smile, a little look forward to.

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