A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 526

When she got to the company, she quickly printed out the information Ziqi sent to the mailbox and gave it to him.

Just want to talk about the translation with him, but see the man on the phone, she had to change the time.

Then there was the meeting.

She had no time to talk with the other side, but she had no time to finish the meeting.

While listening to the recorder, while finishing, the speed is too slow to say.

Near noon, her heart suddenly had no reason to panic.

She thought it was boring after sitting for a long time, so she got up and went to the tea room to walk around, and drank some warm water.

By the way, she cooked tea soup for the cold weather. Seeing that he was busy, she had no chance to talk to him.

Back to the seat, her heart beat faster, still flustered, always feel bad premonition.

She quickly called her grandfather, but he didn't answer the phone, so her heart was even more flustered. She called Xia Guangyao's attending doctor directly.

"Hello doctor, how is my grandfather?"

"Miss Xia, Mr. Xia is in good health. Don't worry. I've just come out of his ward. I've talked a lot and recovered very well. In another week, I can almost be discharged."

"Thank you, doctor! I'm sorry to disturb you She was relieved to hear that her grandfather was recovering well.

"You're welcome. It's my duty. If you have any questions, Miss Xia can ask me."

She was polite to the doctor before she hung up.

Strange! Why did she suddenly panic?

She contacted Sun Tzu Qi and the fifth month, and they were all OK.

Summer solstice is hard to guess.

Maybe she thinks too much?

Suddenly, she remembered what the little guy said to her last night. She called the little guy and turned it off.

She was stunned. Maybe she thought too much.

"Summer solstice?"

The voice of cold weather came, she just put down her mobile phone, did not dare to look for people everywhere.


Standing at her desk on a cold day, she knocked on her desk and looked down at her with a slightly wrong look. "What's the matter with you?"

"It's OK, I'm just a little flustered!"

She hugged her glass and took a sip of warm water.

"If you're tired, have a rest! Don't worry about the minutes, just sort them out slowly. "

He touched her head and turned back to his seat.

The summer solstice said the conversation with him, the panic in the bottom of my heart also appeased, maybe she was ill?

Seeing that the man is busy again, she is working again.

Quiet office, only came the crackling sound of the keyboard.

Suddenly, his mobile phone started to ring. The ring was specially set to remind people around Leng Yicheng on cold days.

He raised his eyebrows.

It's not the son, is it?

He answered quickly, and after hearing the report from the other side, his face changed greatly.

"How long?"

Damn it!

Who on earth moved his son!?

He subconsciously looked to the door and lowered his voice to the eyes of the summer solstice, "hurry to find it! I'll be there now. "

In cold weather, the bottom of my eyes glided past a touch of Yin. I got up and strode out.

"What's the matter?"

Summer solstice to see him look wrong, got up to care about the next.

"I'm in a bit of a hurry. Go out first. You can have lunch yourself at noon. Don't wait for me." In cold weather, she didn't dare to tell her that her son was missing. She told her to go out quickly and called Fang Yi.

"Fang Yi, come out with me!"

The summer solstice was stunned.

He's so nervous. What's going on?

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