A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 571

Looking at Fu Ma's skillful knitting, she admired the summer solstice.

"Fu MA, you are a good craftsman. We're not going to do that anymore. "

"Yes, it's convenient for you young people to buy something outside. I'll just make it up to pass the time."

Fu Ma's hands were very flexible, and soon a sleeve prototype came out.

Fu MA looked at the way she was interested. She turned her eyes and suggested, "young lady, sir, your birthday is coming. You can weave a scarf for him."

"Ah?" Summer solstice Leng next, hastily way: "I won't!"

"I can teach you. Scarves are easy."

Will she wear her scarf in cold weather?

Summer solstice pursed the next mouth, a little heart, but did not have the confidence to own craft.

"Mommy, my birthday is faster than daddy's. you can weave it for me. I don't dislike it!"

Leng Yicheng pours into her arms, and the summer solstice firmly hugs him. He looks down at the little guy who looks forward to him. He pinches his nose and teases him, "if I weave ugly, what should I do?"

"If I wrap it around my neck, no one will see ugliness!"

Xia Zhi is amused by his clever appearance.

Fu MA laughed and continued to ask, "young lady, do you want to learn or come here in time?"


Learn as you speak.

Seeing Xia Zhi nodding, fu MA ran back to her room and came out with some bright colored wool and bamboo needles.

"Young lady, you take this bigger, easy to take, I will teach you the simplest, first teach you the edge, you watch!"

"Well!" Summer solstice sat in the past, holding a bamboo needle, staring at Fu Ma's hand.

"If you want to take it like this, you can hook the thread on your fingers like this. Take your time..." Fu MA motioned to her and taught her in slow motion.

Summer solstice fingers stiff, learned twice to finally know how to take the line, "ha ha, my hands are not flexible!"

She's been black.

Fu MA laughed and encouraged her: "this thing is like this at the beginning. After a long time, it's easy to squeeze everything!"

So it is! Summer solstice smile, continue to learn to play scarf.

Leng Yicheng also lies beside her and stares at her without blinking.

"Mommy, you're wrong. That's not how granny Fook dresses."

Fu MA smiles. The little guy is learning fast.

The summer solstice is embarrassed, so continue to do it again.

After studying for more than ten times, she finally found out the way.

"Don't worry, young lady. Your learning speed is very fast."

I've had my mother cut it again with scissors several times.

The summer solstice repeats again, putting the edge up.

"Not bad. I'll teach you to play in the back. You'll watch first." Fu MA began to weave. The technique was very fast. The head was big when she saw the summer solstice. She felt like this and that. She couldn't help threading along, but it was all wrong.

Fu MA went back and forth, "young lady, the following steps are all repeating this back and forth, until the end, when you finish weaving, I'll teach you to close the edge, now learn this first, one up, one down, almost all repeat."

"Hee hee, Mommy is wrong again."

"Mommy, you're wrong!"

The mistake repeats unceasingly, the small fellow is smiling joyfully in one side.

It took two hours to learn, and then the summer solstice figured out a little rudiment. I felt that the task was very important.

"Young lady, don't worry. Take your time. It's late today. We'll continue tomorrow!"

Fu MA is packing.


Summer solstice nodded, when her cell phone rang, it was cold.

"Hee hee, Mommy, daddy called you!"

Leng Yicheng takes her cell phone and hands it to her.

Hello, she answered in a hurry

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