A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 572

"I just saw your message. Did you rest?"

The summer solstice was relieved by the familiar voice.

"Not yet. What's the matter with you?"

"Basically, everything has been arranged properly. There are two people in serious condition and they are still being rescued!"

The voice of a cold day was a little tired. When he came to Haicheng, he went directly to the construction site to command the rescue of the buried workers. Until now, it was hard to catch his breath. When he saw her message, he called her back and didn't want her to worry.

Hearing the noise from him, the summer solstice wondered, "are you still there?"

"On this side of the hospital."

Hearing his fatigue, the summer solstice was distressed, "you haven't eaten yet. Go to eat first. They will be fine."

He must be under a lot of pressure.

"It doesn't matter. I'll wait. Take care of Leng Yicheng. Don't worry. I'll go back after I'm busy." The cold day comforted her a few words, saw not far away of make up, eyebrow tight Cu, said with the summer solstice voice, "I still have something to do, first like this, you early rest!"

"Oh, good! You Dudu... "

Hang up the phone in a hurry, she did not have time to say goodbye to him.

Seeing her in a daze, Leng Yicheng pulled her, "Mommy, did Daddy hang up?"

When summer solstice came back, he pinched his little face with a smile, "he hung up."

The little guy tooted his mouth and said: "I haven't talked to him yet. How can I hang up?"

"He's still busy. When he's finished, he'll call us. Will you listen to me next time?"

She coaxed the little guy in a soft voice, and Leng Yicheng tooted her little mouth, "well, it's better for mommy to answer first. You miss daddy more!"

Summer solstice red face, put away the mobile phone, hold up the little guy, "we go to bath and sleep!"

"Sleeping with Mommy?"

Leng Yicheng holds her neck and stares at her without blinking. The small look of expectation makes people feel soft.


Summer solstice smiles.

"Great, daddy is not here, no one will rob you with me!"

The little guy held her and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Summer solstice to see him happy, laughing and crying, "before he was in, also let you sleep with me?"

"That's not the same. He leaves me aside and doesn't let me sleep with mommy. I don't want to sleep with him." Leng Yicheng frowned and was depressed.

The summer solstice.

I got up that morning and became a man sleeping in the middle.

"Just the two of us tonight." She gently scraped off the little guy's nose, full of eyes of love.

"Hee hee


"Mr. Fan, Xiao Zhang didn't see anyone. Isn't it in the construction site?"

A foreman came to the person in charge anxiously.

"Keep in touch. Maybe I'm out." Mr. Fan's face changed, hoping that no one was in the construction site.

"I've been in touch with him, and no one answered his phone." The foreman is also now shaking God to come over, found that everyone is in, just one person, scared not light, "other people did not see him."

"What's the matter?"

On a cold day, I put my cell phone back in my pocket and came over with a serious face.

The foreman was disheartened and didn't have time to wash his face. He just came out of the construction site. He looked very anxious and looked at Mr. Fan.

Mr. Fan did not dare to hide. He truthfully reported the situation to lengtian. Lengtian glared at him sharply and scolded him, "I just asked, is there anyone else, how do you tell me?"

Mr. Fan's scalp was taut, and he shivered against the anger of the cold weather. It was his dereliction of duty.

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