Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1252

She was upset, "Mr. Qin? Can you give me back my glasses? "

No glasses make her very insecure.

He didn't say anything, helped her put on her glasses, turned and sat back.

Dong Mian

She didn't know what to say. She just lowered her head to drink.

Qin Jingxu didn't mean to speak.

They were silent until the end of the meal.

Qin Jingxu asked, "would you like some more dessert?"

Dong Mian shook his head.

"Would you like to sit down a little longer?"

"Well?" She just aftertaste come over, busy say: "need not."

"Let's go." He took his briefcase and got up.

Dong Mian is suspicious, "that... Need not pay a bill?"

"I have the consumption card here, they will automatically buckle it in my card."

With the experience of the last mistake, Dong Mian was a little embarrassed, "I'll invite you next time."

I didn't notice what it meant between them.

Each other a meal, thick eyebrows slightly a pick, "Oh?"

"I can't take advantage of you."

Qin Jingxu looked at her serious appearance and laughed, "you don't take advantage of me."


"Where do you want to go?"

Dong Mian thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Where do you live? I'll take you back. "

Qin Jingxu brings the driver. The driver drives. Dong Mian and Qin Jingxu sit in the back seat, one person away.

Qin Jingxu sent her downstairs and left.

"Back so soon?"

Qiu's mother was stunned when she saw her shortly after dinner.


Mother Qiu asked, "how can it be so fast? Isn't it going well? "

Dong Mian thought, "it's OK. I had dinner. Mr. Qin sent me back."

"And then... Not then?"

"Is there anything else to follow?"

"Is there any indication from him? For example, do you need your contact information, or do you have an appointment to meet next time? "

Dong Mian shook his head.

Qiu's mother looked at her face and sighed, "it's OK. Since she has no eye, she just can't come."

Dong Mian finally understood what she meant by these words and went upstairs to have a rest.

Li Jinbei was very concerned about her blind date. She called Dong Mian to ask about the situation.

Dong Mian said directly, "no way."

"Why? Is the other side not ideal? "

"Not really."

Dong Mian didn't know what to say. Qin Jingxu gave her a good impression.

"In other words, the other side is not interesting?"

"... well."

Li Jinbei thought that Dong Mian was interested in each other and said, "Xiao Mian, who is the other person? Since you like it, dad will help you contact him and talk to him. "

"No more."

Dong Mian recognized Li Jinbei's positivity and forgot to refute that he didn't like the other party. It was just that the other party gave her a good first impression and didn't make people hate her.

"Xiaomian, you don't have to feel embarrassed. Fate is something you need to actively grasp."

"I'm not embarrassed," Dong Mian frowned. "I'll hang up first."

Li Jinbei didn't want to upset her, and he didn't want to say more. When Ni Shu came in, he asked her, "do you know who Xiaomian's godmother is?"

"I don't know. I don't know her very well. Yes? She lost her temper and refused to contact you? "

"No. She went on a blind date today. I asked her just now. She said that she likes each other very much, but they are not interested in her. So I want to know who the man is and help her sleep. "

Ni Shuxin moves, "also right, if the other party knows she is your daughter, say not to be able to really change one's mind."

"If it's really because of the Li family that we've changed our minds, don't worry."

"What do you mean, then?"

"Xiaomian doesn't like to dress up. I'm afraid that she doesn't like Xiaomian's glasses and conservative dress up."

"She's going on a blind date. Won't she dress up and go again? Since it's not suitable, it's better to forget it. How can we have a wide range of contacts with her godmother? If you really want her to fall in love and get married earlier, we'd better introduce one to her ourselves. "

Now, Ni Shu can't care about jealousy.

The most urgent task is to completely cut off their thoughts and start over.

Li Jinbei thought that he was reasonable. "There's a banquet next week. I'll pay attention to it then."


"Xiao Nan?"

On the same day, Qiu's mother also received a call from Qin Jingxu's mother and her friend.

"How's it going?" he asked

"Don't you know?"

"I asked, and he refused to say," the other side said sorrowfully, "you know, I can't control him since I was a child. He is nearly 30 years old and hasn't been in love. I'm worried that he will be single all his life."

"I heard my daughter's meaning that she would think about it, but your family didn't seem to have such a meaning and didn't ask for my daughter's contact information. I think it's inappropriate."

"No one in my family is suitable for him. He just doesn't want to move. Well, you call me your Xiaomian, and I'll let him contact you Xiaomian. We don't force them to be together, but we have to give each other a chance, do we? "

Qiu's mother replied with a smile: "good, good."

A few days later, in the Research Institute, Dong Mian received a call from a strange number.


"Dong Mian?"

"... yes, you are?"

"Qin Jingxu."

After work in the afternoon, Qin Jingxu's car stops at the front door of the Research Institute.

Dong Mian rushed to the door. On the way, he met a man.

Miss Dong, "long time no see."

Hearing this, Dong Mian turned to look over, "Hello, Miss MI."

Mi light language laughs: "want to go out to play?"


"Since you transferred the team, Xiao Dong often talks about you. If you have time, welcome to m building."

There's Li YueKai in group 2. She can't pass.

She was embarrassed to smile, did not answer.

"I'm waiting for my friend. If you have something to do, you can go first."


See Dong Mian on a limousine, the car, it seems that there is still sitting a strange man, not Qiu Yansen.

She paused.

But when her friend arrived, she looked away.

"What would you like to eat?" This time, Qin Jingxu drove the car himself.

"I can do whatever you want."

"Japanese cuisine?"

Dong Mian frowned, thought about it, and nodded.

All the way speechless.

Sitting down in a Japanese restaurant, Qin Jingxu took the menu and asked, "what would you like to eat?"

"Shouxi Shaohe rice ball."

"No sashimi?"

Dong Mian shook his head: "I don't like cool food very much."

"All right."

Dong Mian looked at the picture on the menu, "do you often come here to eat?"

"Well," she said, with a quiet disposition. After meeting twice, he already had a deep understanding. "Do you want to ask me something?"

"Yes," she went to the menu and asked him, "is there a lot of shouxishao and rice here?"

"It depends on everyone's understanding of quantity and how you order it."

"I'm alone"