Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1253

Finish saying, feel not quite right, bashful changed the topic, "what do you eat?"

Qin Jingxu understood her meaning, "let's go together."

He often eats Japanese food, but seldom shouxishao.


Shouxishao tastes good here. Dong Mian likes it very much. Qin Jingxu thinks it's OK. They have finished all the dishes they ordered.

After eating, Dong Mian thought of something like, "by the way, I'll pay for this meal."

Qin Jingxu raised his head, looked at her, and suddenly laughed, "I'll call you today and say you don't ask for a meal together. You promised so simply because you owed me a meal last time?"

"Well, as I said, I can't take advantage of you."

"Oh? Don't you wonder why I asked you to eat with me? "

Dong miandun wiped his mouth. "You... Should not like me."


Xu is amused. He holds a glass of water, leans on the back of his chair and stares at her leisurely.

"I'm boring."

"What else?"

Dong Mian bowed his head awkwardly, "no more."

"Then why do you think you're boring?"

"I think it's better to be cheerful, enthusiastic and talkative."

And she, on the contrary.

Qin Jing Xudun, "why do you think so?"

"I think that's good for them."

"Is it?"

Qin Jingxu and give evaluation, but looked at her more.

It can be seen that what she said was the truth, but she didn't seem to have inferiority complex. What she said was very objective and arbitrary.

"Well, this time, I won't compete with you for the bill."

Dong Mian

"Have you finished?"


They leave the restaurant and get on the bus. Qin Jingxu leans back in his chair, stretches his back and looks at her in the back seat. I don't know what she is thinking.

Dong Mian raised his head and pushed his glasses. "I'll go back. Last time you saw me off --"

Qin Jingxu looked at his watch. "I haven't seen a movie in the cinema for a long time. Do you want to see a movie?"


Qin Jingxu took out his mobile phone, "by the way, it's said that you can use app to buy tickets to watch movies now."

"... well, yes."

Qin Jingxu quickly downloaded an app, looked at the location of the nearby cinema, and then threw her mobile phone, "you can choose what you want to see."

Dong Mian holding his mobile phone, Leng Leng, "I rarely see a movie, also don't know what to look good."

"Me too."

"Then order any one?"


Dong Mian ordered one casually, and then handed him his mobile phone. Qin Jingxu saw it. It was a Western movie, and he didn't mind. He bought the ticket.

After taking the ticket, Dong Mian saw that he had a few minutes left and asked him, "would you like some popcorn or something to drink?  ”

"No popcorn, give me a bottle of water."


Dong Mian walked away and bought two bottles of water.

Qin Jingxu looks at Dong Mian who leaves without waiting for him and smiles.

In the middle of the movie, they didn't communicate much. Dong Mian was sleepy with two pairs of glasses. Qin Jingxu patted her on the shoulder. Dong Mian said, "what's the matter?"


She nodded honestly.


Dong Mian frowned, "unreasonable."

"I think so, too."

They left before the film was over.

Qin Jingxu took her home and drove away without leaving a word.

The Qiu family are waiting for Dong Mian.

Seeing her coming back, Qiu's father and Qiu's mother came up and said, "Xiao Mian, are you back? Don't you go to dinner? Why did you come back so late? "

It's not too late. It's only nine o'clock.

"After dinner, I went to a movie.  ”

"Going to the movies?" Qiu mother heart a joy, "that you this is become?"


"No?" Qiu Mu was confused, "well, what does that mean? Didn't he say anything? "

Dong Mian shook his head.

Qiu's mother thinks that after listening to his mother's words, Qin Jingxu will take time to get along with Dong Mian, but she is not enthusiastic.

She basically understood the meaning of Qin Jingxu, but she didn't let Dong Mian stop talking about Qin Jingxu. She still had a trace of hope in her heart.

Dong Mian had been busy in the Research Institute for a long time the day before and was in poor health.

Qiu mother knew, let her have a good rest at home for a day, don't go to the Research Institute, otherwise, she can bring her body down.

On Friday, she was obedient to rest at Qiu's house.

At noon, before dinner, she read at home. A phone call came in, saw the caller ID, she was stunned, after a while to pick up.

"Where is it?"

"At home."

"Which home?"

"The Qiu family."


"What's the matter?"

"I'll pick you up."

"I..." she refused. "It's almost lunch. My godmother lives in my house."

"Pick up the car with me."



"But the godmother really cooked the meal, or I'll go after dinner?"

Li Yue Kai did not speak.

Ten minutes later, Dong Mian went downstairs, and Qiu's mother came out of the kitchen. Seeing this, she asked, "Xiao Mian, you're eating. Are you going out?"

"Well, I won't eat at home."

"Who's the date? Is it Qin Jingxu? "


Dong Mian didn't know what to say, so he ran downstairs.

Before Li YueKai arrived, Dong Mian took a sightseeing bus to the gate. After a while, Li YueKai arrived.

"What would you like to eat?" When she got into the car, Li YueKai leaned over to fasten her seat belt. Dong Mian leaned back. After he left, she said, "whatever."

On the way, they were speechless.

Li YueKai took her to eat Western food.

And French food.

She went to the restaurant where she went on a blind date.

"Listen to Leng Chen, you were dating here before?"


"What do you think of the food here?"

"Very good."

When talking, Dong Mian looked at him secretly.

He felt that he was not in a good spirit. He raised his heart to his throat and wanted to ask. Finally, he held back and shut up.

"Recently, did my mother and father ever come to you? What did they say?"


How can Li YueKai not notice that her sight has been avoiding him?

His throat tightened and he said, "what are you doing with your head down? Am I that terrible? "

Dong Mian looked up and didn't speak.

Her face seems to be a little thin, the heart that point gas, all disappear, gentle way: "order."

At dinner, Li YueKai looked at the way she didn't say anything. Her heart was sour, and she couldn't help thinking of the way she made her stand on the day he left.

He suddenly felt that he might be wrong.

He believed that at that time, she loved him.

But seven years after knowing he was her brother?

Her heart, perhaps, has changed.

Her heartache, just because of concealment and guilt for his injury, is also the heartache for her brother.

After all these years, she may

I've given him up for a long time.

All of a sudden, he lost interest in eating and put a knife and fork.