Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1598

On the other side.

In the car, "Ruirui, what would you like to eat?" It's no joke that Jian Zhiyan wants to take him to eat delicious food.

Shen Mu eaves against the window, silent, "Mom, I want to go to school."

Jian Zhiyan: "looking for Liangliang to eat?"

Shen Mu Yan bowed his head. Maybe he was embarrassed, but he nodded.

Jian Zhiyan doesn't know whether to be happy or sad. "I've been waiting for you with your father all day, but you go to find your girlfriend on the way. Doesn't Ruirui think he has no conscience?"

Shen Mu Yan looked up at Shen Shen Zhi and said with a smile, "dad prefers to eat alone with mom, right?"

Shen Muyan is in a good mood and relaxed now. Although he is only 15 years old, he has graduated from high school and has the right to start his new life.

Shen Shenzhi looked back at him. His father and son were heart to heart. Then the car stopped by the side of the road, "go to school by car?"


"Ah, you --"

Jianzhi Yan gas crooked, but the object is not to Shen Muyan, but Shen Shenzhi, "ruiruirui want to go to school, we will send him to ah, how can you let the child go by car alone? How inconvenient is that? "

Jianzhi Yan voice just fell, Shen Muyan has been out of the car, "Mom, I can take a taxi."

Then he waved and left.

"Be careful on the way." Shen Shenzhi left such a sentence and drove away. Jian Zhiyan glared at him in the back seat. Shen Shenzhi laughed, "Zhi Zhi, he has grown up."

In a word, let Jianzhi Yan happy, let her sad, "yes, in a blink of an eye, ruiruirui all graduated from high school, we are old."

Shen Shenzhi's eyes gave her a deep look in the mirror, and only said two words full of deep meaning: "very good."


It's a long way from their high school.

It was late after he finished the exam. It took Shen Muyan half an hour to take a taxi. When he arrived at the school, the school had been over for a while.

When he was in the car, he looked at his mobile phone and thought Bo Liang would call him the first time after class, but now that everyone else has arrived at school, she has already finished school, and she didn't call.

In my heart

A little lost.

As he walked inside, he took out his mobile phone to call Bo Liang. Bo Liang's phone didn't get through several times.

He frowned and waited for her downstairs in her dormitory.

Wait for half an hour, someone saw him, quickly came over, "cool boyfriend!"

Shen Mu Yan nodded, thin cool roommate is very warm, "you come to find cool, right? But just now, in the last PE class, I gradually decided to play basketball with others. I fell and was sent to the hospital. Liang Liang was very worried and went with me. Now I don't know what the situation is like. "

"Hurt?" Shen Muyan was a little worried. "Is it serious?"

"It's very serious, otherwise we wouldn't call an ambulance to take people to the hospital."

After thanking him, Shen Mu Yan calls Pei Jiance instead.

Pei Jiance's phone was connected quickly, but the person who answered the phone was the familiar female voice, "Muyan?"

The tone was full of surprise.

"Well." Shen Muyan asked: "I've heard about Jiance. Are you in the hospital now? How's it going? Is Jiance OK? "

"The comminuted fracture of the arm is not particularly serious. It can be cured after half a month." Having said that, Shen Muyan recognized that Bo Liang seemed to be frightened. Sure enough, then he heard her say: "you don't know, seeing him fall on the ground, holding his arm, motionless in pain, really scared me. I thought his hand was going to be broken. Fortunately, his injury was worse than mine

Imagine a lot better. "

Shen Muyan was about to speak when Bo Liang seemed to move his cell phone away from his ear, because the voice from there became smaller, and it didn't sound like he was talking to him.

"You can still laugh. You are so scared to death all the way!"

"Ha ha, I see. You're worried and crying."

"Cry fart, who cried?" Pei Jiance came back from the inspection. He had already finished the bandage. Bo Liang looked at him and knew that his problem was not serious. He was in a much better spirit now than when he was in the ambulance. She was not so worried. After talking with him, she came back to admire him

I'm back after dressing up. I'm so happy that I can't die. Don't worry about it. "

"... that's good."

"Well," she said, "you just finished the exam at this time? What about? Did you do well in the last subject

"Well, not bad."

"That's good. Go home and have a good rest. It's late now. My uncle and aunt are out of town. He wants to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. His servants haven't arrived yet. I have to find something to eat for him and myself. Hang up first."

"Which hospital? Which ward? I'll be there now. "

"You just finished the exam, so tired, what are you doing here? You might as well have a good rest. You have to come here and come back tomorrow. He's OK. You don't have to worry too much. I'll have dinner with Jiance here and go back to school. He'll be taken care of. Don't worry. "

With that, she hung up without waiting for Shen Muyan to talk too much.

Pei Jiance sat on the bed, looking at her eager face, and touched her nose. "I'm a good friend of the opposite sex. Mu Yan and I care about me. Is it normal for him to come to see me the first time? Besides, after all the exams, do you feel so sorry for him? "

Others may not know. Pei Jiance looks at her and knows that she loves Shen Muyan and is afraid that he will be tired. Bo Liang didn't think so. He returned his mobile phone to him and said, "you haven't taken the college entrance examination yet. What do you know? College entrance examination is very energy-consuming and very tired. He may have just come home at this time, but he hasn't eaten yet. Let him have a rest and have dinner. Later, when we have dinner, just contact him

It's over. "

"You still love him."

Pei Jiance curled his lips.

Thin cool simply also did not avoid, "do you have an opinion?"

Pei Jiance: "I dare not."

Bo Liang looked at his bandaged arm, "what do you want to eat? Said well, the doctor said can't eat food, I won't connive you

Pei Jiance also saw worry and concern in her eyes when she looked at him. Recalling the scene that she was scared and cried after he was injured, his heart warmed and became more gentle. "I know, housekeeper."

Bo Liang

It is said that the food in the hospital is not very good, so Bo Liang went out to buy dinner for him.

When she left, a limousine also stopped near the hospital. The three people got out of the car in a hurry. As she walked, the woman said, "why did you suddenly faint? Your grandmother is always in good spirits. " Ning Yu just wants to answer words, see thin cool Leng that goes out from her side Leng next.