Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1599

But she didn't have time to think about it. She went into the hospital with her family and went up the elevator in a short time. On the other side, there were two girls in school uniforms who were about her age who came down from the elevator on the other side.

Ning Yu feels that the other side is a little familiar. Before she remembers where she met the other side, their conversation spreads to her ears.

"Well, since you are worried about Pei Jiance, you have also brought me here to see her. Why don't you ask the teacher which ward he is in? Now that we don't see him, don't we come here for nothing? "

"What do you know? If I ask, the teacher will not understand everything? At that time, do you think the teacher will tell me the ward number? No, she only talks to me. "

"Then... You ask Bo Liang."

The girl's face was not very good. "I don't want to ask that shameless woman. Besides, she doesn't have to sue me."

They left soon. Ning Yu's eyes flashed, and then she remembered the name of the girl whose face was not good, but she was very good.

This girl, although they don't know each other, they are good-looking and famous in school. She knows each other and it's really not difficult.

Here, what Bo Liang bought for Pei Jiance is what he usually likes to eat, and what is suitable for his wound now. It's also his intention.

When he came back, Pei Jiance had a look, and suddenly he had a big appetite. "Not bad. I still remember what I like to eat."

Bo Liang didn't recognize his overtones and said, "it's like you don't know what I like to eat."

They have been friends for so many years. If they don't know this, they have known each other for so many years.

Pei Jiance smiles but doesn't speak. There is more bitterness in his smile.

The teacher has to be busy too. The teacher has left. After they have finished eating, Bo Liang turns his back to Pei Jiance and starts to clean up the mess. Pei Jiance looks at her busy appearance. His heart moves slightly. He can't help but approach her from behind and stare at her.

Bo Liang felt his movements, thought he had something to help, and turned back: "what are you doing?"

Before she finished speaking, she was startled to see his handsome face enlarged in front of her eyes. She shrunk reflexively and then gave him a white look. "I said you have nothing to do. What are you doing here? I'm scared to death

Pei Jiance bowed his head and sneered: "of course, it's to scare you."

Bo Liang gritted his teeth and was about to speak. Pei Jiance looked up and saw a figure standing at the door. He was stunned and said, "who?"

Thin cool unidentified, so, "what?"

"Just now, there seems to be someone outside the door."

Bo Liang didn't like the hospital very much. Wen Yan felt gloomy. He felt goose bumps and hit him on the shoulder. "Don't scare me. Maybe the nurse just passed by?"

Pei Jiance always felt that he was not right, but he didn't think much about it. He began to tell her some hard and violent horror stories. Bo Liang knew that he was on purpose, and in turn scared him. They laughed together.

After a while, Pei Jiance's servant finally arrived and brought the tonic soup.

Bo Liang looked at the time, got up and said: "I'll go first, and come to see you tomorrow."

"I see."

Naturally, he was reluctant to give up.

Bo Liang wants to go, but then he seems to think of something. He takes his mobile phone and calls Shen Muyan.

Shen Mu eaves there quickly picked up, "gradually plan?"

"It's me." Bo Liang said with a smile, "have you eaten yet?"

"Well, just had it."

"So late?" She was a little surprised.

"Well." He just found a fast food restaurant in front of the school, but he didn't have much appetite. Greasy fast food didn't suit him. He didn't move much.

In other words, he's still hungry.

"How do you feel now? Are you still tired? "

"Tired?" He paused. "OK, not too tired."

"I'm going back to school. Jiance may be a little boring. Would you like to see him?"

He said, "don't you want me to see him tomorrow?"

After the exam, he was relaxed and could not be tired. Even if he was tired, he could not feel it. He couldn't figure out why she didn't let him go to see Pei Jiance directly just now. If she was really afraid that he was tired, why did she let him go now?

Well, he can get rid of all that.

He just

The first time I came to see her, but I couldn't see her. Her concern was not as good as he expected. He was a little lost, and he felt tired.

"I said that on purpose just now." Thin cool see time is not early, "well, don't tell you, if you don't come over it doesn't matter, anyway he can't die."

"... I'll go."

"Well, I'll ask him to send you the address later."


"First of all --"


He interrupted her, "why do you keep using Jiance's cell phone?"

"Oh, my cell phone was put in the classroom. I was in a hurry to get it out. I didn't have time to go back to the classroom to get it, so I used his."


"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Are you going now? Be careful on the way With her explanation, he was in a better mood.

"Well, I'll call you after the evening study."

He Leng next, "call me?"


"Would you like to have supper together?"


Bo Liang rubbed his eyebrows.

She thought that since he had finished the exam, time would be free. If she had time to call him, it would not affect him. Naturally, she would not miss the opportunity to call him.

Shen Mu eaves understand, "cool miss me?"

He said frankly, she was embarrassed, "then I don't fight, just hang up first."

Without waiting for him to finish, she hung up and threw her cell phone back to Pei Jiance. "You wind up the message for Shen Muyan, tell him the address, and he will come to you."

"He should be tired of the exams these two days, isn't he? Or let Mu Yan come back tomorrow? " He didn't think he had a big problem, so he didn't have to worry about it.

"Talk to yourself. Don't ask me." Bo Liang dropped such a sentence and walked away.

Pei Jiance hesitates and sends a message to Shen Muyan, so that he doesn't have to come.

In fact, he is afraid of embarrassment, although the previous quarrel has passed, but

Over there, Shen Muyan asked him to stop talking nonsense and send the address. He had no choice but to send the address to Shen Muyan.

Shen Muyan arrived in a short time. As soon as he got out of the elevator, a figure came out of the ward. When he saw him, he wanted to meet him, but he seemed to think of something. Then he hid back and closed the door of the ward“ Xiaoyu, what are you doing? Isn't it going back? " In the ward, her mother felt strange.